The House Feud

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John yawned into a closed hand.

Looking across him, Harry was asleep over his book.

Through their break they decided who would answer what question and such, though they didn't have much time as his friends, including Hermione, hauled his ass away.

So here they were after dinner, in the first year section of the library.

While they had accomplished most of the research answers, they still needed to go out and record a plant they find.

John didn't want to do simply a flower or a weed like most of the students they saw doing-that was just unoriginal.

John reaches over the table, stretching out his appendages and joints.
He shook the kid's shoulder.

Harry blinked and looked at him questionably.

"We answered a lot today, let's call it a day; besides-it's gettin close to curfew."

Now alert, Harry starting packing their papers while John dealt with the books.

On their way out, they got as many strange looks as they had goin in.

"We should probably hit up the library later then, how does after supper sound mate?"

"Uh, yeah sure. Oh-do you have any ideas for our recording log?"

John shrugged uselessly, "Nope....I don't wanna do anything round the Castle anyway-ya see all the others pickin up things like dandelions? No thanks."

Harry nodded.
"But how are we going to do that?"

Tapping his head John went through different ideas.
"How bout the forest?"

Startled, Harry blinked owlishly at him.
"L-like the Forbidden Forest?!"

John shook his head, "Nah, as fun as that sounds, a regular one should suit us just fine."

Harry looked more relieved, "But what if we get lost? We've never gone through the forests around here!"

John hummed at that.
"Yeah good point....wait-wasn't there like a grounds keeper or something that goes into the forest pretty darn often?"

He tried to mind his mouth for the kid's sake.

Harry's face lit up with realization, "OH! Yeah-Hagrid! He could help us!"

"Hagrid? Ain't that the big lug from the train?"

Harry grinned, "Yeah, he's great!"

John nodded, "Alright, if you think he'll be able to help us, I don't see an issue."

Not too long after the last meal was served, the two first years met up by the great hall's door and walked.

As they stepped into the library, they became slightly aware of other students looking at them funny.

Harry knew why: the house rivalry.

Him and John chose a table in the back, away from the prying eyes.

"Yeesh-what was their problem?" John grunted out.

"The normal I guess..."

John openly groaned at this, "Jesus-bloody 'normal'....whatever the hell was wrong with our houses is bloodily ludicrous! When it comes to interaction I swear it's borderline segregation!"

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