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 Y/N Evangeline Amethyst of eleven-years-old lives almost entirely alone with the exception of Misses, her pretty little, long-haired, white, multi-chromatic-eyed cat, and Thestral, her late-mother's black, great horned owl, of which she named herself.

She lives in the Amethyst family home within the pretty, green, countryside of England. The house is a homey, three bedroom, sandstone cottage sitting on an acre of land. It's been her home since she was born, the place her mother raised her, and the place Mrs. Evens, the lovely, elderly witch from next door, would often babysit when her mother had things to tend to.

"Hello, Thestral," the young girl with pretty, H/C hair and brilliant, lavender eyes smiles to the familiar bird perched on the kitchen's window ledge. "What have you brought for me?"

It isn't often that Thestral, or Thes, as he's sometimes called, has any need to deliver letters to her, but today being her eleventh birthday suggests that Mrs. Evens, or Connie as she prefers, has probably sent him over with a birthday card before she's to come over later today for dinner as she always does.

Y/N is just finishing up making herself a cheese sandwich when she notices him and the pretty-looking letter in his beak.

She leans forward and takes the envelope from him, and then gives his feathers under his chin a nice scratch before she moves to the bench, collects her plate, the returns to her spot in the library with both items to find Misses curled up by the fire and her chair looking ever-welcoming, the book she'd been reading beforehand adorning the small table to the chairs left.

"Hello, Misses. I didn't hear you come in," She smiles to the pretty animal.

Misses lifts her head before standing and moving into a stretch, and once done, moves towards the young girl for a pat.

The envelope is a little different to those that Connie will usually send over if she hasn't the time to stop by, so Y/N wonders if maybe its one from Connie's daughter, Mabel.

Mable is a lovely woman of around forty years now. She's a deaf woman with a daughter of her own. The Amethyst girl hasn't met Mabel's daughter, though she's heard many things about her through letters from Mabel, and during the times where, through sign, they'd speak when she'd be able to visit.

This letter, turns out, is from neither Connie nor Mabel.

Miss. Y/F/I (First name initial). E. Amethyst

She's never received a letter with her full name scrawled across the front so nicely before. The ink is a brilliant green, which just so happens to be her favourite colour, and the lettering is cursive and beautiful. After her name comes her address, and on the back, once she's turned it over, she finds a wax seal that's quite familiar.

This is her Hogwarts letter!

She quickly tears the letter open once the realisation of the situation dawns on her, an excited smile plastered across her lips, and a slight shake in her hands. She's always been excited about entering Hogwarts for the first time and experiencing all the same things and places as Amelia, her mother had. She forgot all about it though after her mother's passing, understandably, and hasn't given it any thought again before right now.

She's going to Hogwarts. Y/N Evangeline Amethyst is going to Hogwarts!

Dear Miss. Amethyst, the letter reads.

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins September 1. We await your owl no later than July 31.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall.

"Misses!" she cries to her cat, startling the poor thing a little. "I'm going! I'm actually going! I can't believe this! I need to send Thestral to Connie right away! She'll be so pleased!"

Y/N rockets from her place by the fire and tears a few pieces of parchment from a drawer before collecting her mother's favourite quill, now hers, and a small pot of, ironically enough, green ink similar to the one her letter was scrawled in, which happens to also be her favourite ink.

She's quick to explain what's happened to Connie, and even quicker to scribble out a quick letter of affirmation for Hogwarts. She slips one into Thes' beak and he takes the other by claw, leaving the young girl in a state of shock and happiness as she watches him leave for her neighbour's house just a little down the way.

She rushes then to her room to organise a trunk of belongings to take along with her, including but not limited to: her favourite pair of pyjamas, the one's Mabel sent her for her tenth birthday, her mother's old quill and her ink pot, a couple changes of spare clothes for more casual wear, some items of warmer wear for the coming colder months, a large wad of parchment, even though she's sure there will be some there for writing letters home to Connie, and, of course, at least twenty different books of all different sorts.

Young Miss Amethyst has always loved books, and takes great pride in being able to walk through a store with Connie and comment on the ones she's already read, even at such a young age. Her favourite, though, once again much the same as her mother, is her book on mythical creatures, a book she received from her mother when she was no older than five. It was that year they got Thestral and Y/N was allowed to name him.

Today's date is July 25, her birthday, and so after meeting with Connie for their usual meal, and speaking about Hogwarts and the elder's days within the school, and then, of course, opening her present from said woman, which was a new scarf of deep crimson inlayed with golden thread, seeing as Connie's absolutely certain Y/N will be chosen for Gryffindor, she lays half-asleep in bed thinking about how she'll spend the remaining month and a bit before Connie promised she'll take young Y/N to Diagon Alley for her equipment.

She rolls to her side and looks upon the framed photo of her and her mother in the snow during their last Christmas together and smiles sadly.

"You wait, mum. I'm going to be the best witch Hogwarts has ever seen... I'll make you proud, and... wherever dad is, I'll make him wish he'd never left us..."

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