~7 - Troll in the Dungeon~

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 Today is a pleasantly warm day in contrast to the rest over the past month of being here at Hogwarts, and due to this, Hermione and I are sat outside today and reading. The courtyards were quite full when we tried finding a place to sit earlier, and so we're a little further away from the castle, just a little bit away from Hagrid's hut, sitting beneath some trees and enjoying the lovely weather.

There are clouds gently covering the sky, but nothing that's stopping the sun from warming us and the ground that's becoming progressively more chilled due to the cooling temperatures of early September. There are sun speckles dancing through the leaves, that are beginning to brown, and casting themselves against Hermione and her book, where she's sat just a few paces from me.

Today she's studying Transfiguration. I'm guessing it's due to all of the compliments she gets from Professor McGonagall during that class. She seems driven by positive reinforcement, where I'm more driven by people assuming I can't do something, rather than people acknowledging I can.

I'm not studying this afternoon, unlike Mione. Seeing as we've just come from our last class for a Friday, I'm opting to read one of the books I brought along with me. Today's is a Muggle story called The Secret Garden. It's absolutely brilliant so far, and I'm entranced by the entirety of it. It's about an orphaned girl who discovers a hidden garden within her strict uncles estate. I'm about half way through, and I can't seem to want to put it down.

My attention is pulled from the story when movement catches me from the corner of my eye. I'm quick to turn to see what's moved, to find a small, wild, grey rabbit sniffing around near the trees close to the Forbidden Forest.

"Mione," I nudge the girl with my foot. "Look over there."

Hermione looks up from her studies to where I'm gesturing, and a smile finds her face when she spots it as well. I mark my book with my schedule, as I'm now accustomed, and place it down next to me. I then stand and slowly creep closer to the creature, watching the way it shifts from nibbling at the grass, to watching around itself cautiously.

Once I'm close enough that I might frighten it if I get any closer, I sit on the ground before it and watch it more closely.

I see rabbits quite often back home. They were my mums favourite animal, which means that whilst we often saw wild ones, we also had a tame on she raised from a baby that would hop around the yard, though never leave. His name is Wilfred, and he can still be found hopping around the yard from time to time, though since mum left, his presence is quite rare. When I do see him however, I'll often throw him a carrot.

After a moment of munching on the grass, the rabbit sits up to take another look about, and when he does, he spies me sitting not too far away. At first he looks startled, but then after assessing me, he must decide I'm no treat, and goes on with his lunch.

I smile and shuffle a little closer to the creature before I hear a voice, and so does he, and he rushes off back into the forest.

"Oi, what are you doing over there, Y/N?" Ron's voice breaks the nice silence.

I huff and turn to face the boy finding him to be stood with Harry, the both of them looking at me strangely.

"Well nothing now you've scared him off," I reply curtly.

"Scared who off?"

"That rabbit of course, Ron. Have you no eyes?"

"Jeez... What's got you in such a mood then?"

"I am not in a mood!" I call before catching myself raising my voice and sighing. "Okay, so it seems like I am, but I'm really not. Anyway," I change the subject whilst standing and brushing myself off, "what are the two of you doing down here?"

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