~18 - The End of Year One~

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 Madam Pomfrey is a lovely lady, with a sweet and caring aura, but when it comes to what she thinks is best for the students, well, she's very strict, and sometimes even Dumbledore's say can be outshone within her infirmary, and so that leaves Harry arguing with her about letting Hermione and Ron join us for a proper talk, which I know they're dying for, especially seeing as I've been terrible with giving them the information they've been seeking.

"Just five minutes," he pleads with the older woman, her herself huffing and folding her arms in front of her.

"Absolutely not," she responds tightly. I groan from my claimed chair.

"You let Professor Dumbledore in... and Y/N," Harry tries.

"Well, of course, that was the Headmaster, quite different. And I'm told it might be better we let her remain with you, for reasons I'm under strict instruction to keep to myself, but no matter that, it's still different. You need to rest."

"I am resting, look, lying down and everything. Oh, go on, Madam Pomfrey," he pleads again, and her resolve shifts and finally crumbles to the ground, as well as her stern look that I was sure just moments ago we weren't getting past.

"Oh, very well," she tuts. "But five minutes only."

"Thank you, Madam Pomfrey," I chirp as well as I can with my throat still aching. She gives me a little smile and a slight eye roll before finally allowing Hermione and Ron to come in and join us.

"Harry!" Hermione immediately calls as soon as she's in the room. She runs over and flings herself onto the boy giving him a hug similar to the one she left us with in the chambers below the school. I notice the poor boy flinch as she lands against him though, and so I motion for the girl to calm down, to which she complies. "Oh, Harry, we were sure you were going to – Dumbledore was so worried – and Y/N wouldn't tell us anything-"

"The whole school's talking about it," says Ron. "What really happened?"

Indeed they are, which is another reason I preferred being in here rather than out there. I couldn't bare having to listen to it all so soon after experiencing it first handed with Harry. Hearing all the stories, mostly truths, a few exaggerations here and there, too, was a little too much so soon after. Of course, there was no one telling stories that ever got it completely right, and truthfully, I think personally that even the stories, the rumours that came to life, weren't quite as vibrant, daring, terrifying, nor exciting as the real thing.

I stay out of repeating the events from down below, one, because of my voice, and two, because I hadn't done a whole lot, no matter what Dumbledore thinks, and so it coming from Harry is the right way to have it revealed to Ron and Mione.

"So the Stone's gone?" reiterates Ron after Harry's finished recalling our time down there. "Flamel's just going to die?"

"That's what I said," says Harry "but Dumbledore thinks that – what was it?"

"To a well-organised mind, death is but the next great adventure," I remind him quietly.

"I always said he was off his rocker," says Ron, though I can't deny he looks more than impressed by the words of said man.

"So what happened to you two?" Harry asks the duo.

"Well, I got back all right. I brought Ron round – that took a while – and we were dashing up to the owlery to contact Dumbledore when we met him in the Entrance Hall. He already knew – he said, 'Harry's gone after him, hasn't he?', and then we mentioned you, too, Y/N, and he hurtles off to the third floor," Mione tells us.

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