~15 - Questions and Exams~

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 I've been spending hours upon hours more than usual in the library looking through things that shouldn't bother me as much as they are, thing's that mightn't be true, even, yet here I am surrounded by books on different famous wizarding blood lines trying to find anything that might answer the question that's been buzzing about in my brain since Malfoy brought it to light.

Were my eyes truly glowing? How on this earth could they? It isn't possible, right?

I've been over countless different possibilities in my head, and even have a few catalogued on a lengthy piece of parchment, all ranging from 'a trick of the light' to 'Malfoy may have been in shock' and even 'the Forest can change a person once they've entered', each coming to sound more likely as the books on older blood families I've been able to find dwindles to less and less.

'Amethyst – A pure-blood linage renown for their peculiar eye colouration and healing abilities.' said Old Wizarding Families: A to Z. 'Amethyst – A family name passed to only the witches of blood who bare the curse of abnormality.' said Blood Names And Their Respective Curses, which I decided was completely off, and even 'Amethyst – Most recognisable by the distinct colour of lilac that encases the iris' of all the Amethysts female descendants.' There's nothing anywhere that has an answer!

"Y/N?" I hear from behind me suddenly while still glancing over The Wizarding Word's Family Name Dictionary. I turn suddenly to come face to face with Harry, who's looking somewhat uncomfortable, and I suppose that's due to the fact I probably look like I haven't slept... because, in actuality, I haven't. "What are you doing here? Me, Ron, and Hermione have split up looking for you 'cause you weren't at breakfast. Hermione said you left before she got up this morning?"

I sigh and close the book's heavy cover as Harry takes a seat at the table with me. I trace my fingers over the book's cover waiting for him to lecture me like I'm sure Mione's going to when I see her and she realises just how early I got up this morning.

"Are you okay?" he asks instead of scolding, and I look to him with a distant smile.

"I guess – I'm just... I'm confused is all. I just want answers. You'd know what that's like better than most, Harry," I answer truthfully. "I've been thinking a lot lately is all."

"How long have you been here today?"

"Um, well, I'm assuming breakfast's over, so I'd say maybe five or six hours?" I mumble, and Harry immediately looks taken aback by my answer.

"How much sleep did you get?"

"None, if I'm being honest – look, Harry, I understand that you guys are confused, but I've just got to persist with this, okay? I need answers."

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asks after a long pause and an understanding head nod. He's currently staring at his own hands as if I'm going to tell him I'd rather eat moulded cheese. "I mean, you don't have to, but if you want to, we can."

I smile and sigh once more. I lean forward and pick up all the read books from in front of me and gesture for him to follow me. Him, being the kind boy he is, takes half of the stack from my arms and I smile thankfully as he dutifully follows me from shelf to shelf so I can return them.

"I've been thinking about what Malfoy said in the Forbidden Forest, you remember? After I came to find you?"

Harry had told Hermione, Ron, and I how he'd come to find Firenze the centaur and what he'd seen drinking the unicorn's blood the next morning after our detention in the Common Room following breakfast. He said about the hooded figure and how it must have been what he, Hagrid and I had heard before finding Ronan and Bane. Said about how Firenze had scared it away from him when it had come towards him and about him meeting Ronan and Bane again after Firenze had offered to walk him back to us. Told us how he's certain it was Lord Voldemort drinking the unicorn's blood.

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