~6 - Helping The Weasley Twins~

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 I can see the sheer surprise on Malfoy's face when I enter the Great Hall the next morning with Ron and harry both, neither of them being tossed from the school, meaning that his little plan had failed, and he's not looking pleased about it at all.

"It has to be what Hagrid collected when you were both at Gringotts right, Harry?" I ask him as we take our seats. "I was thinking about it all last night. It makes sense, doesn't it? You and Hagrid were there and emptied something from the same vault that Dark witches or wizards broke into later that very same day. Hagrid said himself that he was collecting it on behalf of Dumbledore. And you remember what Percy said, right? Not even the Prefects know why the third floor corridor is out of bounds this year."

"It does add up, doesn't it?" he responds.

"It's all got to be connected some how. It's just too much of a coincidence otherwise," I say.

"It's either really valuable, or really dangerous," Ron adds.

"Or both," says Harry.

I take a piece of toast and an apple from the table, munching on both before turning my attention to my Transfiguration book. Since last night, Hermione has been refusing to speak to the boys, and Neville hasn't uttered a word about it. I reckon he thinks he might have dreamt it all up.

"Why aren't you sitting with Hermione, Y/N?" Harry questions me eventually. "You're both usually sitting together for breakfast."

"She's mad at the both of you so she doesn't want to speak with you, so I came here alone."

"You aren't angry with us too, then?" Ron asks.

"No, just a little let down you never told me about it before hand. I might have helped, you know? I wouldn't have tattled or anything. Although, at the same time, maybe I wouldn't have gone... Expulsion is dangerous to play with. I don't intend on ending my Hogwarts career so soon. But  I could have given pointers at the very least if I couldn't convince you two not to go."

"Yeah," Harry mumbles. "I guess we just thought since you hang around with Hermione so much, you wouldn't have been interested. Might have been angry with us as well."

"Hermione and I share a lot of similarities, but we aren't the same person. You'd do well to remember that," I sigh and finish off my apple.

It's a week later when Harry receives a rather large package delivered by owl during breakfast. I'm surprised he received a package. As far as I've suspected, Harry never receives letters, unless they're invitations to come 'round for tea from Hagrid. Seeing his owl, whom I've learned is named Hedwig, and six large screech owls dropping him off such a big parcel is strange to say the least.

"What have you got there?" I ask him.

I've been spending a lot more time with the boys since our little adventure last week, though still not as much as I spend with Hermione. We've become closer during these past few days, and I'm enjoying having them as friends very much.

"I don't know," he answers whist tearing off the letter stuck to the front.

"Well go on then – open it!" Ron says.

"It's a letter from Professor McGonagall," he says after reading it. "She's brought this for me..."

I take the letter, with his go ahead, and read over it, Ron reading it over my shoulder.


It contains your new Nimbus Two Thousand, but I don't want everybody knowing you've got a broomstick or they'll all want one. Oliver Wood will meet you tonight on the Quidditch pitch at seven o'clock for your first training session.

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