~5 - Filch and Three Heads~

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 My favourite colour is Sacramento green. It's always been that way. I'm not really sure when it was that the colour fully caught my attention, but once upon a time it did, and I haven't been able to think differently since. Actually no, that's a lie. I know exactly why.

My mum's favourite colour was Ash grey, though she told me that it wasn't always. Once upon a time she loved light blue, but then she met someone who changed her mind completely. She told me that the minute she fell in love with dad was the moment she realised that Ash grey was much more her speed than blue after all. She said his eyes were Ash grey.

I don't know much about my dad... Or, more, I don't know anything about my dad. All I know is that his eyes were Ash grey, and he left us. Mum tried telling me he hadn't a choice, but how could he not? We all have choices, and he made his. He chose to leave.

My dad had Ash grey eyes, he left us, and he once owned an old, green scarf. An old, Sacramento green scarf that my mother was buried with. She'd have wanted it that way, after all, as it was the only thing he'd left her of himself. Even though I can't forgive his choices, she loved him dearly, even after he left, and so I gave it to her when I had one last chance to leave her something.

I like to tell myself that the colour of his scarf, the last piece of himself, and only piece of himself, I ever knew, has nothing to do with my favourite colour. I try and tell myself that the colour reminds me of mum because she loved that piece of him, that last piece of him, and as seeing that piece made her happy, it made me happy too.

But, in the back of my mind, and hidden somewhere in my heart, I know that that's not the whole truth at all. Sacramento green is my favourite colour because it's the only piece of my dad I've ever know. I never saw the Ash of his eyes, after all.

It's the middle of the night, far past our curfew, but here we are, Hermione Granger and I, sitting in the Common Room and waiting patiently on her hunch. She woke me earlier and told me she had a bad feeling that Ron and Harry were going to do something stupid. I haven't known them very long, but I've known them long enough now to know that they are quite good at saying and doing stupid things, and so I followed her down here in my pyjamas to wait for them in the dark.

I'm broken from my tired thoughts by Hermione's sudden voice.

"I can't believe you're going to do this, Harry."

She's quick to turn the lamp on nearest to her after she's spoken, and when she does, the sudden light reveals the surprised duo of Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley, indeed, up to no good.

"You," Ron suddenly groans angrily. 'Go back to bed!"

"I'm here as well – just thought you should know," I speak gently from my place causing the two to jump again.

"Y/N? Not you too..."

"I almost told your brother!" Hermione snaps their attention back to her. "Percy – he's a Prefect, he'd put a stop to this."

I glance to Harry to find him looking mildly angry and somewhat frustrated with the situation. Suddenly he tugs on Ron's arm and tells him to just leave. Both boys move through the portrait hole and away from Mione and I, leaving us stood there, me a little shocked at Harry's actions. She's quick to chase after them though, and so I follow her through too.

"Don't you care about Gryffindor, do you only care about yourselves, I don't want Slytherin to win House Cup and you'll lose all the points I got from Professor McGonagall for knowing about Switching Spells."

I frown at her reasoning, as perhaps, it seems, her and I are here to stop them for different reasons.

"Go away," they both grumble.

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