~1 - People My Age~

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 "You will be careful, won't you, love? And you'll write as often as you can too keep an old lady updated?"

"Of course I will, Connie. When things happen, I promise you'll be the first to know!"

Mrs. Connie Evens watches down to me with a loving smile and twinkling, ageing, soft-blue eyes. I love this lady like family, as she's practically been apart of it since before I can remember, the elderly witch living no more than five moments down the road from my mother's, and now my home.

She's stood no more than an inch or two taller than myself, and beside her stands her dog, Edgar, of who she insisted come along to wish me well on my journey to a new place. In front of me sits my cart full of things I've brought along with me including my trunk, Thestral, sitting happily within his cage, another carrier holding Misses, and a box or two holding all of my new necessities for the school year, and, of course, a selection of new books I found that I've never read before.

"And remember that this year I'll be in France for Christmas to see Mabel and Markus, as well as little Martha, okay? It's the first year I'll be able to visit them as a family, you see, and I'm sorry I can't bring you along with me, dear, it's just..."

"It's okay, Connie. I understand! You need to see your family, and they come first, I understand. I'll be okay!" I smile warmly clutching my wand within my woolly jumper's pocket. "I'll send Thes to find you. I'll send a letter for Christmas, too. It'll be like I'm actually there."

"You're such a lovely little girl, Y/N Amethyst. Your mother would be so proud of you, you know that, right?"

I nod in appreciation and picture my mother seeing my acceptance letter once again as I've been doing for a while now, my smile content and yet longing. Connie must notice as she drags me into a warm hug.

"You'll be fine, love. She loves you so much, as do I, and everything will be okay... You remember what we talked about?"

"To feel pain is to understand we had someone great enough to make goodbye so hard. And that the hurt wont leave, but I'll one day find comfort rather than sorrow within her memory," I recite for the umpteenth time this last few months.

"You're going to do incredible things, Y/N. I just know it."

"Goodbye, Gran Evans," I smile and hug her close.

"Goodbye, little love," she returns before we both part ways and I'm moving through the pillar into platform 9¾.

The transition from the station into 9¾ is an easy one, and actually, one I've made before. My mother had taken me through when I was younger one day whilst we were waiting on some family friends at London's King's Cross Station. I'd begged her to let me try running through the wall. I however, wasn't paying attention to which pillar I was supposed to be aiming for, and ran head-first into the brick wall between platforms nine and eight. I have a small scar just above my eyebrow to prove.

Today's transition is much easier than that I'd tried those few years ago though, and I enter onto the magical platform finally leaving the muggle world behind for a little while.

I do like muggles, and have never had anything against them, nor will I ever, but there's something about a world without magic that I can't seem to be able to enjoy. That's why mum would take me into one of the largest libraries in London when we we're out and about on the streets so I might be able to take a break from the boredom of a magic-less world and fall into the hidden shelf towards the libraries back, which if you haven't gathered, also doubles as a magic-users doorway to London's Library for Magical Folk, the biggest witches and wizards library in England, apart from, of course, the one that resides within Hogwarts itself. I'll most definitely be checking it out when I'm given the chance.

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