~12 - I Knew I Read His Name~

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 Harry and I both seem to make a point with not venturing back out to find the Mirror of Erised again, and with good reason. Dumbledore is right, after all, as he always is. It's sure to do nothing short of drive us mad, which is a short conversation both Harry and I shared on our way back to bed the last night we'd looked within it and spoken to the Headmaster about it. To be stuck still and staring at a life I'm not even sure will happen isn't how I want to spend my time, and Harry's sure he's okay with understanding that though he wont be able to see them anymore, unlike when he's gazing in the mirror, his family is still with him in spirit, and neither of us need such an enchanted relic to know that. Harry's family is with him in heart, and if I truly want to keep everyone safe and healthy, then I must act instead of wonder.

For the rest of the Christmas holidays we say nothing about it after the final night and leave it be. Of course, forgetting such a thing will be almost impossible, especially for Harry, I'm sure, but we're willing to give it our best shot to leave what we've seen behind.

Harry's seemed rather tired lately, as if something's been waking him in the middle of the night. I've been hesitant to ask, as I'm sure it correlates to what was in that Mirror, and so I won't bring it up. He's a strong boy, though we're ever so young, and he'll push through without a doubt.

It's on the day Hermione returns from home and questions Harry's tired look that he fills us in and confirms my suspicions.

"You see, Dumbledore was right, that mirror could drive you mad," Ron says after Harry's finished telling us about the reoccurring nightmare with the flashing, green, brilliant light, and cackling laughter.

Hermione was furious when she found out we'd both been visiting the mirror, even if we'd both visited barely twice – Harry three times. She was both horrified that we'd been breaking the rules without her knowing, and disappointed that we hadn't found anything on Nicolas Flamel during all our spare hours.


Lately, Harry has been awfully busy with Quidditch practice, and I can see the way the sport is both wearing him and brightening him up. He's both elated with being there, and so very tired, as practices are harder than ever, and his nightmares are still persisting. I asked him just yesterday morning if he's had any luck with them stopping, but his indirect answer told that he'd had no such luck at all.

With Harry being so busy and tired, with practice, his sleeplessness, and general study seeing as term is well and truly back in swing, it's been mostly just Ron, Mione, and I continuing on with our search for Nicolas Flamel, though we as a three have each decided we don't mind Harry not being able to help all that much considering everything else.

Today we're sat in the Common Room while Harry's at practice. Mione and Ron are well involved with a game of chess, and I'm sat and reading through Herbology class's reading material for our following week. Harry bursting into the room causes me to cough on the tea I'm sipping, a few droplets decorating the once pristine pages before me.

"Harry!" I bark at the boy after breaking from my fit. "Must you insist on bursting in like that? Merlin, you've almost made me ruin my book!"

He's wearing a sheepish and apologetic smile as he nears us and sits himself down.

"Don't talk to me for a moment," Ron requests once Harry is situated and obviously ready to tell us all something. "I need to concen-" It's when he glances to the messy, dark-brunette-to-black-haired boy that he decides his next move in chess can wait. "What's the matter with you? You look terrible."

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