27|| Bus Ride

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"Alright, so you put your arms out like this!" Your dad said showing you his arm position. They were out straight and his hands touched each other.

You copied his movements as he began to pass the ball to you. Back and forth.

"Very good y/n! I know you will make a great volleyball player" your dad smiled.

"Dad... I wanna go to nationals... like you did before"you smiled.

Your dad smiled and pat your head. "Y/n, that's a great goal... even if it's you against the world I will stay by your side to make sure you achieve that goal"
Flashback End

It was early in the morning. You and your girls were at the school gym getting dressed in the locker rooms. While getting dressed, you all talked about random stuff such a boys and shit.

After all of you got dressed, you all went out of the locker rooms to hang out. You all decided to come extra early to hang out with each other.

"Guy... we should do a tiktok" you smirked getting out your phone.

All the girls cheered as you got out a sound. The tiktok audio you chose was "go daddy go". You told the girls what to do and they followed. After you guys recorded it, you posted it.

"Woah y/n, you got a bunch of followers! 1 million to be exact" Sachi smiled.

"Yup" you smiled. "Lets continue!"
As time passed, you and the girls recorded a shit ton of tik toks. All of them got tired but you weren't done yet.

"Sachi, record me while I do that one tiktok trend that goes like 'don't go wasting your emotion'." You said handing her your phone.

She nodded as you got into position.
"Why are we here again?" Iwaizumi yawned.

"We are here to wish the girls good luck before they go off" Oikawa said.

Oikawa and his team decided to wish the girls good luck. They were already at the school and heading to the gym. When they got close enough, they heard a bunch of laughing.

"The hell?" Oikawa said opening the gym door.

When he did, his eyes widened. He saw you doing that tik tok trend. You moved your hips as you sang to the song, the girls recording you.
"Layyy all your love on... me!!!" You sang.

The tiktok finished and you grabbed your phone. You watched the video over and over again. That was until you heard a cough.

All the girls looked over at the gym door. When you looked over, you saw Oikawa and his team. After a moment of silence, you spoke.

"AHHH THEY SAW ME!!" You said running to hide behind Anami. "WHY ARE YOU GUYS HERE!"

"Actually, Anami told us to come" Iwaizumi smiled.

You glared at Anami and she started laughing. Along with everyone else.
"So you guys are gonna watch us play?" You asked the boys.

They all nodded in agreement. Suddenly, Coach Ko and Coach Izumi came into the gym.

"Alright ladies. Let's go!" She smiled.

The boys wished you and the girls a good luck as you left to go on the bus. They watched as it disappeared in the distance.

"Damn. Now what" Oikawa yawned.

"Lets go out to eat" Iwaizumi said walking away from the group.
You and the girls were on the bus. They were teasing you on how Oikawa saw you do that tiktok dance.

"Awh shut up!" You blushed looking away. "Anami this is your fault"

"Yes it is" she laughed.

The bus ride was filled with laughter and happiness. All of you girls were excited to go play for the finals.

You guys soon made it to the place and got off the bus. Barley anyone was there. You guys grabbed your stuff and walked into the gym. When you guys got in, mei's team wasn't there... yet.

"Set you stuff down and hang out for a second." Coach ko said walking away. Coach izumi followed after her.

The girls started walking to the court but you were stopped by someone.

"I'm glad you made it!" Mei said with a high pitched voice.

You turned around to see her with her whole ass team. They all glared at you.

"Let's play a good game... though, we know your team will lose." She smirked walking away.

You bit your tongue and watched as her smirk faded into a serious face. Her team eye'd you as they walked passed.

"Let's see." You smirked.

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