Chapter 8 training , Gowther

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Next day..

Third Pov...

In forest we can see Ban, Veldora and King training,

Veldora and Ban would do physical training, attacking , punching and kicking each other on anyway possible, and even dirty tricks , while king would fight against both of them one vs two.

Now we can see Ban Kicking Veldora into forest.

"Snatch"Yelled Ban trying to use his power/magic against Veldora who already had expected it.

"Not so easy!!" Yelled Veldora before cutting few tress and kicking them into Ban direction, making him lose concentration for " snatch"

"Checkmate" Said Veldora who was behind Ban.

' Fast, he's  fast' Thought Ban before , he was cute into two

"Again, that's a good sword" Stated Ban while he was healing.

"Yea i agree" Said King before using Chastifeol basic form to attack Veldora, who is blocking it with his slashes, ..

Their training continues like this for few more minutes...

"So you are in love with Diane , aren't you king" I Asked King who blushed and literally fly off

"He is , "Confirmed Ban before we continued our walk back to Boar Hat...

Time skip, indefinite time later

"Elizabeth, you should go to the next village, and try to gain more informations, we will settle here,Oi Ban , Veldora, "Yelled Meliodas

"Ye , what do you want" Said Ban and Veldora at same time.

"Go to kitchen ,be ready and Elizabeth, here , " Said Meliodas giving Boar hat poster to Elizabeth...

"Ok Ban , King and Veldora , let's go, we must find food" Said Meliodas before ordering us to find food.

Meeting for the food

"Okey this is my hunt," I said bringing two bears

" I have sabertooth wolf, meat is good and his skin will be useful..." Meliodas said  Bringing the sabertooth wolf

"Good catch nonetheless, but rabbit  is still better in my opinion" Declared Ban

"So by rules, I'm winner" Declared Meliodas.

"No possible way, how could person who doesn't even know to cook be winner!!"Yelled both Ban and Veldora at same time...

"King , what did you hunt ,KING!!" Screamed all three Meliodas, Ban and Veldora at King's sleeping form...

"Be serious" Said Ban before hitting King. which awake him.

" Ban is right, we need to replenish much of all" Stated Meliodas...

"Wait, you all three had already hunt enough" Said King rubbing the place where he was hit..

At this moment , Scream was heard in the forest..

"Hmm , what's this" Veldora asked

"Maybe , some exotic animal" Said Meliodas..

"Best would be too see" Ordered Meliodas before all of them search ...

after indefinite time of searching.

"This, " Said King while looking at bodies of fallen sodliers.

"Oi, you!!"Shouted Meliodas running to last alive sodlier.

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