Chapter 28

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Chloe's Pov 

'Are you really a human" Asked Elaine titling her head... 

"Yes, full human"I responded with a pride

"Then Escanor is not the only abnormally powered human" Stated Elaine , joking

"Hahahahah"I laughed at her joke, which is obviously not funny

"But you are mystery you know that" Stated King floating in front of Chloe

"So, how did you become so strong" I asked averting the attention from me to them..

"Oh, well with a little help" Said nervous Diane.

"And how did you get this little wing" I asked King touching his little wings...

"AHH, DON'T DO THAT, THAT'S IMPORTANT FOR FAIRIES!!!" Shouted king with red face, fleeing back to Diane..

"Hehehe, So are you now together" I Asked with a smirk, causing both Diane and King to redden...

"Is that true" Asked Elizabeth with a smile, she was quit the entire time..

"It's seems my brother got a girlfriend"Stated Elaine with a mischievous smirk..

"Our training was special, we were transported into brittania , 3000 years ago" Answered Diane ..

"There, we meet old commandments, the maker of Gowther and"Started King ,before Diane continued..

"We had meet captain there along with an Elizabeth who looks like you" Said Diane staring at Elizabeth

"And she was from a goddess clan"Continued King.

"Oh, really" I  really, i feigned ignorance ..

"Yes, we also had to fight against all kinds of demons" Started King

"I also had to fight Zeldris and i lost but i did pass the test" Said cheerfully Diane.

"My test was, to not kill one human i was able to pass it" Said King proudly..

"Oh, so you are saying that you got transported into past with your bodies and you were able to fight with Zeldris, and he didn't kill you" I said staring at Diane

"It wasn't exactly our bodies but yes we got power up from that experience" Explained King


"Hello, you all should go to party, Ban and Meliodas decided to celebrate"Said Gowther who just openned door

"Oh well why not , i need to eat something I'm hungry "I stated before walking down, followed by Gowther, Diane,King and Elaine..

"Yo, it's already made up, let's eat"Said Meliodas gesturing at the food on all tables..

"Well it looks delicious atleast, if i remember i didn't try your food right Ban" I stated and asked..

"TRUE, SO NOW SEAT DOWN AND EAT"Shouted Ban from the kitchen

"Well , finally i don't have to cook"I thought aloud. While eating a fish 

"This is really good, i must say" I Stated continuing to eat fash

"Ban is a top tier cook like you after all" Said Meliodas while eating a steak..

"But you scraps are better" Said Hawk eating the scraps..

"hmm it is good ,just like i remember"Stated Elaine..

"Anyway you should all eat, we are going soon" Said Meliodas drinking a beer.

"Ok" Responded King, eating salad

"Here, "Said Ban bringing two barrels, one with beer other with wine.

"Oh, well i  will take little of wine" I said sipping it..

After the party , few more minutes

"I'm full"Said Ban

"Okey ,Let's go "Ordered Meliodas, .

"So you can't get drunk" Suddenly King asked Gowther.

"I'm doll i have resistance against alcohol"Replied Gowther..

At this moment we heard ,sound of horses

"Hello, this are seven deadly sins here ?" Asked Holy knight opening the door

"Yes, what do you need" Responded and asked Diane

"We are here to deliver armors to the sins!, Come here" Ordered holy knight before many soldier, come into tavern with sins old armors..

"Lady Diane, you armor is near castle, it's too heavy to bring it here by us" Explained  Holy knight before going along with all soldier back to the castle

"What's the sound about"Asked Meliodas coming out of his room

"Oh it's the holy knight and soldiers had come here to give armors to us" I explained to Meliodas

"Oh i see..EVERYONE COME HERE!!!"Shouted Meliodas, getting atention of all sins and the ones who got asleep ..

"All equip you armors" Said Meliodas , equiping his armor and pointing at golden armor with blue cape

"That's probably you armor" Stated Meliodas as other are equipping their armors

Armor( it looks like the armor of Alice from sword art online, you can google it)

'Oh, this armor it looks same as Alice from the sao, it's my taste atleast..'I thought before quiping it 

Chapter word's count 700

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