Chapter 10 Lioness

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"Why are they always after Elizabeth and Sword" Asked Hawk

"That's because she's last part for the seal" Said Mysterious Magician behind Elizabeth , before teleporting with her.

"No!!,"Shouted Meliodas who was already in Elizabeth's place. Before taking his sword and running outside.

"To kingdom, we need to save Elizabeth!!" Screamed Meliodas with seriousness

"Kingdom is 65 Kilometers away from here" Said King

" Diane!!" Shouted Meliodas while looking at her

"Understand" Said Diane

"Wait moment, i changed my mind  i will go. " Said Ban after hugging Meliodas

"I'm going also" Stated Gowther before hugging Ban.

"Gowther what are you doing" Said King. before Diane grabbed all three of them

"Ready, yourselves, you need to save Elizabeth "Said Diane. while looking at three of them

"Yes" Said Meliodas , before Diane Jumped and thrown all three of them into Lioness direction.

"Oh Human Birds " I stated

"Seriously." Said both king and i at same time while looking at their direction..

few minutes late

"We should also go there" I stated to both Diane and King.

"OH I remembered,  oslo"Shouted King before summoning dog out of portal

"Dog " Stated Diane

"It's black hound"I answered

"It has teleportational abilities."I explained

"You are really knowledgeable,, he's type of fairy between of fairy and human world, plus he's my old friend" Explained King

"He can transport people , if he eat them" Continued King

"Which means, he can send us to Lioness" Shouted happily Diane

"Yes" Responded King

"It's time oslo," Shouted King , to Oslo who became big enough to eat Diane.

"I will go first" I Shouted before jumping into Oslo mouth.

"Oh this is inside the castle" I questioned  no one, 

"Is this really Lioness it's too dark" Questioned Dianne , who is stuck.

"Wait  , il take you out"I Said before grabing her slowly out of the portal.

"It seems we are inside the castle" Said King who appeared behind us,

"Diane don't stand up , for moment" Said King while inspecting the surrounding area 


"And here are holy knight" I thought while seeing them jump to our level, 

"Veldora, you shield Diane" Ordered Serious King, while i summoned my sword

"Understand" I declared.

"Serpent sin Diane" Said surprised Howser

"Long time no see, Seven deadly sins, what work are you here." Said Dreyfus while walking in front of them

"We are looking for Elizabeth"Said King while reading his Chastiefol

"Your magician had taken her" Continued Diane

"Princess Elizabeth, from what i know, she's not there" Said Dreyfus before glaring at Helbram

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