Chapter 22 Evolution, Stats...

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6 hours later

Chloe's Pov

,The light that engulfed Chloe disappeared , ..

'Great sage was evolution successful ' I asked, wanting to confirm it..

<Yes master, evolution is successful, do you want to see your current stats> Asked and Answered great sage..

'Yes, ' I stated.




10,000 IN MAGIC


IN TRUE MAGIC FORM 57,000 ( I can't just make him one of the strongest with first evolution... but now she could  fight against such as Drole, Gloxinia , Derieri and Monspeet, because of the power level.... Estarossa/Mael has 60,000 and Zeldris 61 ,000 in base, .. And let's not talk about the experience........

Normal skills. {Magic Manipulation}

Extra skills {Soul's taking}  {Magic Sense}

Author note" Some of the experienced reader's could have predicted this, after all he head Sage as partner, wasn't that suspicious....

Unique skills {Great sage} {Unlimited imprisonments } {Usurper} (This is only for first evolution, to make mc able to fight against  strong opponents,But be aware they are nerfed to sds standards, HEAVILY...


"Oh, i can't believe it , i got some of her skills!!! ," I shouted in suprise,

<Master unfortunately skills are many times weaker than the ones from tensura, but nonetheless still useful  in this world> Stated Great sage

'Well,  I'm still grateful I'm not picky person myself , so how strong are they pls explanation' I asked the great sage

<{Magic sense} , is nerfed itself but now you can sense attacks better and sense magic(Mana) in the air...............{Unlimited imprisonment} works similarly, you have two ways to use it, One is you can seal person with it. Max power level of person or group that you can seal is 200,000. And other way is, You can seal enemies to and with power level of 1,000 000 as long as you sacrifice your soul for it> Answered Great sage, but last statement shocked Chloe..

'They says, with great power comes a great price, and what's with the {Usurper} ' I asked.

<Usurper can copy magic , but can't steal, as long as you see magic you can copy it, .. IF you see Meliodas to use full counter you will get it in your arsenal, but of course it works on such magic. IF we are talking about born like magics/powers , You can still copy them but they would be weaker  than original... And there are just magic that can't be copied with the {Usurper}... >Stated Great Sage.


Author note" In this world there is no skill,so i had to make it like this... a i might not need to explain the difference between magic and the magic you are born with...

Magic , this one can be learned like full counter which Meliodas learned from Chandler..

Magic you are born with.. This , is little complicated some people are born with magic like Gilthunder with his thunderbolt... IF MC copy it, it would be little weaker, but if mc copy the magic that can be learned it would be same...

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