Chapter 11

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Veldora's Pov

'This , should be soon the end of helbram' I though while watching the battle or more like masacre, king here is beating him hard.

'True , i and king had a bit of a talk about , Helbram , king warmed up to me and ye his morale is at highest level currently' I thought

"The chances for Helbram victorya are less than 3 percent if this continues"Stated Gowther

"It's over , King cut him" Said Diane , while watching the fight.

"Sorry for , making you wait"Said King who flew to us.

"What's your goal here" Asked Howzer.

"We are here to rescue Princess Elizabeth, who's been abducted  " Responded King

"Abducted" Asked Howzer

"You think , that princess Elizabeth is here, now" Voiced Howzer his concerns


"That must be Gilthunder " Said Diane while looking at in distance , where are lightings

"Probably" I responded

" I can't feel ban, where did he go" Asked Gowther 

"Probably to Horn of Cernunnos, he said that he will go there " I and King said at the same time...

"This power" Said King

"It seems, that captain is fighting alone against three of them" Stated Gowther...

"He's going to be fine, if captain wanted he could have dodged that attack now." Explained King.

"Oh , their battle is already over" Said Diane , knowing the new magic/mana that just now showed up.

"So, who is the owner of the new magic that just now showed up" I asked  King

"It's from boar sin of gluttony ,Merlin" Stated Gowther, 

"Uh" Said conscious Jericho.

"You are finally awake" Stated Guila

"What happened with sins" Asked Jericho,

"We don't have reason to fight against them" Explained Guila

"We losr" Continued Guila

"Huh" Said dumbfounded Jericho.

"You still didn't answer me, why did you drink demon's blood" Asked Guila

"Meliodas location.

"Meliodas you were already missing to me" Said Elizabeth before hugging Meliodas, who is groping her.

"Oi, Stop it!!"Shouted King Bartra Elizabeth father, Elizabeth is his adopted Daughter,

"Yo Bartra"Said Meliodas,

"You didn't change even little"Said Bartra from his bed

"Well yes,"Said Meliodas , 

"Oi!!"Shouted Bartra..

"I had another prophecy , golden/yellow haired young man would show up, join you in your adventure , and would be great help "Said Bartra to Meliodas

"Oh you mean Veldora" Responded Meliodas..

We can hear armor ,

"Dreyfus" Said surprised Gilthunder seeing Dreyfus to show up..

"Our mc location..

"Uhh" Screamed both Guila and Jericho

"Something is not right with them" Said Diane

"Something is unnatural here" Said Howzer.

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