unedited 6 // hats

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Chapter 6:

"Madara, do you know where your brother vanished off to last night? He suddenly vanished without a trace." My mother says with worry laced in her voice.

I nervously laugh, a bead of swear trickled down my forehead. "Ahaha, of course not, he's definitely not in my closet--I mean---"

My mother frowns, opening her mouth to say something but she was cut off when a man entered.
"Breakfast is ready." He says and quickly bows.

"Did you and Izuna play camping in your closet?" My mother asks with an eyebrow raised.

"Y-Yes!" I stutter out.

She smiles, surprisingly she believed that lie. "Im glad to hear that you were bonding with your brother."

The moment she left the room with that guard, I slumped to the ground, if I was talking to father I would be dead by now.

I sigh, deciding to go back to my room and check on Izuna, on my way there I encountered the Hyuga--that I was supposed to, ugh, marry.

And this disgusts me, due to the fact I was a man in my previous life.

"You." He spats out with venom.

I simply roll my eyes at him while brushing past him, Ive started to develop these woman habits.

"I will make your life a living hell! You hear me Uchiha!?" He yells out.

"Of course I hear you, you sound like a crazy old man shouting out nonsense." I then face him with a smile on my face. "Ill be off to check on my brother, if you ever need someone to punch your face, Im the right person to go to."


I am dead.

My eyes widen when I realize Izuna was no longer inside my closet.

Was he kidnapped--? Did he get murdered? Did the ant colony get to him? Or--- I clench my fists, gritting my teeth in anger.

The mosquitos took him.

"Sistah? Why do you look mad?"

I jump and look behind me, and there he was--Izuna, with a bump on his head--caused by me of course but you dont need to know that.

But mother does.

In panic I grabbed a random hat--that was somehow in my room and placed it on Izuna's head. "If you take this off today, the magical monster under your bed will eat you, do you understand Izuna?"

With tears in his eyes he nodded. " I dwon't want to be eaten bwy a magic monstew."

"Good boy, if anyone dares to ask you a question, tell them you like hats." I tell him, when I mean question I mean questions about the hat, but Im sure he knows that.

Leaving Izuna in the room, being the best big bro--sister in the world, I smile when I reach the kitchen.

Im stressed.
Time for desserts.


"Izuna! Where were you last night!?" His father--Tajima shouts.

In response Izuna smiled, showing his white pearly teeth.

"I like hats."


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