unedited 8 // scary woman

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Chapter 8:


I felt completely and utterly humiliated. Having to land in a pile of....a disgusting thing humiliates me to the core. My fists were clenched so hard it turned white.

I'm sure Hashirama would never let this go, in the future he'd probably use this against me.

And I hate blackmail...when it's being used against me, that is.

My eyes still felt strange, yet so familiar, but nevertheless I chased after him.

''You never told me you were a shinobi!'' He yelled out, beads of sweat trickling down his face.

''Oh? Did I have any obligation to do so?'' I said, my insides still fuming in fury. ''I don't recall you ever saying you were a shinobi to me.''

Although I already knew..But technically, I wasn't lying, after all, he never told me anything about him being a shinobi in this world...in this life rather,

''You're a woman!''

''Does that make me any less capable?'' Ever since I had turned into a woman, I now believe in gender equality, how can they live with just being housewives and heir bearers for the rest of their lives?

To me, this is simply just impossible.

''For letting me face this kind of humiliation! you must die!'' 

I Madara Uchiha, never in my past life had I ever fell into this sort predicament.

''For doing such a disgusting thing in the woods...the least you could do was cover it up! at best clean it!'' I roared out.

''All living beings do it!'' He yelled in defense.

''Animals are animals! but when a human does this--a shinobi! to not even clean it up or have shame repulses me!''

At last I finally cornered him, a small lake right behind me, on reflex he immediately water walked on it.

I ran towards him, only stopping when I saw my reflection in the water, yes, my hair was covering my face, but when I was side glancing the water, I had a clear look of my eyes.


I panicked, and in an instant I deactivated it, but after I did , I of course had not forgotten my goal.

My head snapped towards Hashirama's direction. he was just standing still, in pure shock.

But the moment I had finally caught him.

I had no idea what to do, all reason dissipated.

When he realized I didn't do anything he fell to his knees.

''Madara...you are one scary woman.''

I stared at him, wondering what should I do now...
should I punch him? throw a kunai at him? send him to the depths of hell?

I had no idea.

I'm not sure whether three minutes passed, maybe five...or ten. but time passed excruciatingly slow, Hashirama and I just continued to stare at each other.

I looked away. ''If you ever do something like this again, I will obliterate you into pieces.'' Not a moment after I said that, I turned back to him with a glare on my face. ''If anyone else was to know of this..mark my words, Hashirama, I'll bruise your face so bad even your own mother wouldn't recognize you.''

It was on this day...when Hashirama has grown a fear for all black-haired women.

...........Like Madara.


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