unedited 10

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Chapter 10:

It wasn't that hard to avoid the fireball. Looking back at the fallen tree from where the fireball had landed I shook my head.

The Uchiha's need more training than I had originally thought.

The boy infront of me stepped back.
"You--You dodged it?! But that was my strongest jutsu!"

My eye twitched.
That weak thing was his strongest?


"W-What happened to your shy demeanor?" He asked his voice slightly trembling.

"What happened to your arrogant stance?"

Looking back at my childhood days I've always looked at women as nothing more than useless insects. Beings that are not and will never be suited for battle.

But look at me now.

I, who could crush these bugs have to settle by doing laundry and cleaning the house while babysitting children. Doing all these things at once...

Women are far from useless.

But to not even be granted the option to fight...

This must change now.


"I'll kill you!"

Hearing that unexpected shout I was almost caught off guard.


Activating my sharingan everything seemed to get clearer and more detailed, I could analyze things better than before.

Perhaps the boy was running out of options but he probably used every jutsu he had in his book.

In the end he looked completely worn out.

But to me these were all genin level jutsu, this was nothing to me.

In a flash I was behind him, a kunai to his throat.

"You said...you would kill me?"

I have to admit perhaps my voice was too cold, for I did not expect the boy to fall down to his knees and start bawling his eyes out.

In an instant I panicked.
He's going to attract more attention than needed.

And this was not what I need.

A few seconds later my guess was correct, three adults entered my field of vision, their eyes glancing at the bawling boy on the ground and then they locked their eyes on me.

Unluckily for me, my father was amongst them.

I cursed a thousand profanities under my breath.

"P-Papa! Kill O-Obito kill him!" The boy yelled out.

One of the men looked at me, but judging by his stance he had no killer intent directed at me.

Infact he looked at me as if...
He knew I was a female.

One of his eyebrows were arched up and his eyes were calculating but that was the only clues I had.

Father and the other man on the other side didn't seem to notice anything out of the ordinary.

So.....why did this man?

"Obito is it? To  possess the sharingan and..to beat one of the child prodigies in our force you must be extremely talented, tell me, who's son are you?" My father asked.

I felt extremely awkward.

One. Because that was my father.
And two. Because that weakling was a so called prodigy.

They must have lowered their standards....

By a million.

How did so many things change just by a single swap of gender?

Not wanting to stay there any longer, a little bit afraid they would find out my identity I used some of my jutsus to create a diversion and escaped.

But for some reason the weakling's father was able to catch up to me.

"Obito?" He called out.

I just kept ignoring him.






Then I stopped in my tracks.

Another ChanceOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora