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Chapter 27:

We were a bit far from my clan grounds at this moment, so now I knew that I could let Hashirama go on  back to his clan.

"Promise me Madara...that you'd wait for me?"

I laughed. "Who's waiting for who? It's best that we move on and go our separate ways."

"Then...you're leaving me again?"

Before I could answer, we were suddenly  attacked by a group of rogue ninja's, in my mind I laughed bitterly, these days...why does it seem like I am always being ambushed? But it looked like I wasn't the target, but it was Hashirama, seeing that he didn't react immediately, I reflected the enemy's shuriken with a kunai.

I looked at Hashirama with a teasing smile. "...You know..." I raised a brow
"I wished to the gods for a man to protect me, not a man I have to protect."

He smiled back. "You seemed  like the type that didn't want to be outdone by anyone, Madara."

"Well, that's right." I looked at the enemy's with an evil glint in my eyes, also silently telling Hashirama to let me do it. "Katon: Goukakyo no jutsu."

I didn't want any of these people that attacked to leave alive.

"You're a scary woman." Hashirama stated.

"Who said you have to be afraid? To think that something's scary then there must be a certain amount of fear."

Suddenly Hashirama casted his eyes down, then looked back at me. "What would happen to you when you arrive back? Won't you be the first  they would suspect? You always come to the cells."

"It's alright I have a plan."

He looked worried for me. "What if they give you punishments? If they find out what if they kill you?"

I gave him a bitter smile. I've already died numerous times, so what's another one to count?   "You need to go, they might catch up."

When he finally turned around, I remembered something and stopped him for a moment.


For just a slight moment, I hesitated before I placed my lips on his and immediately pulled away. I didn't know why I did so - was I supposed to feel jittery? happy? thrilled?

"There, we're even now."

If you had told me in my past life that I would degrade myself to this extent, I would never have believed you.

But look at me now.

Doesn't fate play you in all kinds of stupid ways?


I was limping my way back to my clan grounds, covered in wounds that I have made on myself. It didn't hurt too much, I didn't make the wounds too deep that it would scar. Honestly, I would have wanted to avoid this kind of scenario - but it had to be done.

Letting a Senju escape was already grounds for treason. I couldn't allow myself to die today, nor could I let my clansmen kill Hashirama. If that stupid monkey should die by anyone's hands, it could only be mine.

Seeing that I was at a good distance away from the grounds, I made myself collapse there. I could make the story of how the senju escaped and tried to kidnap and rape me, I of course fought for my chastity, seeing that I was now covered in too many wounds he deemed me ugly and chose to leave me out here to bleed to death.

It's a plausible story.

What is Hashirama's inner feelings at this moment? Realizing that he has lost numerous men to the clan of a woman he......likes. isn't that quite complicated?

Not wanting to think about anymore thinks I let my eyes drift to sleep, It's strange how easy it was to sleep on an uncomfortable floor, maybe it was because of the pain, or because of the thoughts...I had no idea.


I woke up and saw that I was bandaged up and treated, then I met eye contact with an unfamiliar man---no.

He looked familiar.

"Hanaki-sama, she's awake."

Oh. The hyuga.
I looked him up and down, I won't lie, he has grown, but his heart is still probably as rotten as he is.

"You grew." He mumbled.

Looks like we were thinking the same thing.

"I apologize for what happened when we were children, at that time I was still uneducated about the world and how to treat others who were not part of my clan." Then he looked away with a pink tint on his cheeks. "...You're pretty, we could make handsome and beautiful children."

I wanted to vomit. Was this the type of thing you were supposed to say to an injured person?

I forced a smile on my face pretending that I didn't hear his last words. "I appreciate that you came here to check on my well-being."

He froze and turned red, as he mumbled words inaudible to my ears. Not wanting to look at him any further, my eyes landed on the strange pills on the desk. It didn't look safe for consumption.

"You should take this - It's well known to speed up your recovery."

I gave it a cautious look before swallowing it, was this some sort of medicine really to help speed up the healing process? But afterwards I felt slightly dizzy..

"...What is this, this... it's not medicine is it?"

He smiled. "It's not poison either it's just....

It's just for extra precautions."

I glared at him, wanting nothing more than to wring his neck. I didn't expect him to do this when I was in a 'weakened' state. It doesn't matter, I'm Madara Uchiha, what could this kind of petty drug do to harm me? The effects were strikingly weaker than the one I had consumed before - this was nothing.

But just in case, I pretended that the drug was working - what were his plans? I needed to find out.

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