Third movie

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( y/n)s pov

I walked down the wedding hall placing flowers onto the best men's shirts and straightening his top hat try to avoid the sharp knife like spikes. I clicked into my ear piece " the wedding hall and aisle are all perfect, how the bride sweetie?". I asked smiling wanting to hear my sweet husbands voice.

( Marcus's pov)
I yelped in surprise trying to dodge spikes that spot from the bridezillas skin as she cried having a panic attack. " things are a little trippy but we got this" I said through my head set, the bride continued wallowing " what if this is a huge mistake, what if he's not my zing??!!" She panicked. I walked over to the bride and said softly " this isn't a mistake, I know for a fact that zings last for the crest of your life, and I know that because (y/n) was the best zing I could've ever wished for, and heck I got wedding gitters too I almost passed out and you should've seen my dad. I was worried I wasn't good enough for her but when I saw her walk down that aisle I knew that this is the start of the most amazing chapter in my life. So trust me everything is going to be perfect". The bride smiles and hugged me whimpering a thank you while I dodged her many spikes.

( timeskip)

I wrapped my arm around (y/n)s waist while watching the happy couple kiss after they said their i do's. I looked down at her lovely ( e/c) eyes that still pierce my soul and kissed her passionately. We pulled back to only see denis and Winnie smiling at his dog tinkles and trailing behind them was knocked over chairs and people. " umm who's idea was it for him to get a dog" my dad asked through the mic " that was you dad" I responded while walking over to denis and Winnie . My dad took the leash and led him back to his room. " denis honey I know you love tinkles but we told you not the let him out sweetie". (Y/n) said softly while hugging him and Winnie. " I know mommy but he wanted to go for a walk" denis said innocently. " how about this tomorrow we will take him for a walk and you and Winnie go any play in your room papa drac will check in " I said smiling. Denis nodded and ran off with Winnie, and I took (y/n)s Hand and went to the dance hall to see my dad being strangled by a female Frankenstein with uncle franks bicep and was probably crushing his skull as my dad tried to be polite . I laughed and turned the music into some metal and saw her let go of my dad as he ran for cover where uncle frank, griffin, and Murray hid all looking a little scared. Johnny pouted and turned it to a different song since he was the DJ which he took a little to seriously. I took (y/n)s Hand and led her to the dance floor and we danced to the soft song playing in the background as we danced the night away under the crystal chandelier.

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