Chapter 5: Untold Origins

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Central part of Alpha City.......

(Saafir Radwan)

     Padmini and I reached a parking lot finding a vacant space. Our thoughts of starting this perilous journey made us feel we can do anything as long as the inspiration was clear upfront. A spot came up and I instantly took it. I brought the case too and our next step is to locate where this lair had to be. "Alright, so where do we go from here??" Padmini asked. "I think that answer lies inside here," I replied. The latch code password was in my brain when Preksha attached it to me. This was gonna be for her too so I entered and it popped open. There were parts of the prototype suit unfinished, donated money, and a medium-sized device. I wondered what it was for. "There's a green button and red one that shows to activate it. I'm also noticing a taskbar and a mini command keyboard. I think this is a wormhole transporter. Padmini said.

     "Maybe it's able to transfer large and small objects of matter to whatever place in the entire world. Every household has one this kinda technology but not like this. Look, there's a location alright set hre tilted "Pocket Dimension. I said. Could this be a fabric of the universe nonexistent?? Judging by its empty space, I think it's up to us for building our own lair. I remembered Muhammad mentioning that briefly in his speech. This was gonna be acool project we were gonna do, yet I'm glad I chose Padmini for this job now. This is what he wanted, so time to start this journey, not looking back. I rolled down the window and pointed this transported to our destination.

     A portal opened up and I started to drive into it. The timing was instantaneous and now we arrived on a platform with vast space. There was a huge floor plan with cave-like surroundings and creeping waterfalls. "This is truly amazing. There's work to be done here, so let's get to it. For Muhammad." Padmini said, taking in this glorious moment. "For Muhammad," I said briefly. There was a virtual notepad along with a nice pen to write down what we required. I mean since there was nothing around to work on this prototype, there seemed to be no hope for this. I recollected my thoughts and realized someone who can help us. When Preksha and I met, she gave me Sonam's phone number below hers. I called her instantly hoping she could answer.

      I heard her voice and asked her some questions. "Hey Sonam. By the way sorry for your loss, Preksha was an amazing person. So, I asked a friend of mine to help me continue the Akel family's dream and we're now in a pocket dimension. When you worked with Muhammad, did he ever have outside resources for this project??" I asked frantically. She teared up a bit thinking about her for a moment. "Imagine that pain of suffering a loss of a sibling who was the last person she ever knew. I hope she'll be okay." Padmini said tearfully. "Yeah, it's just what God knows what's best, so don't worry. We'll be with her every step of the journey." I replied back, reminding her why we're here.

I gave some more patience for her to sink this all in and now she was able to speak. "Yes, we had a press conference about building that prototype suit with directors, builders, and investors. This was the "Dark Matter" project, a way to process it into sustainable energy. Muhammad and his workers ran 30 trials that proved unsuccessful each time. He got a bit frustrated and puzzled as to why it' didn't bond immediately. They then derived many formulas to control-oriented reactions for proper stabilization. With that, they went 5 more times and it was that moment we achieved success. I conversed with the primary investors by working at a $500,000 deal for paying off building materials housed in an offshore warehouse. That's when we also invented that wormhole transporter for easy access between Alpha city and that pocket dimension. I also kept one for myself just in case of an emergency, so I'll send over those materials for you." Sonam explained.

     "Did he know that some of his test subjects would become those threats he told us that day?" I asked. "Unfortunately, there were those that committed crimes. They appeared as small time like theft or kidnapping but I talked to one of our software programmers and decided that it was all forged. They may have done worse things and just came to expand their intelligence powers. Despite his great successes, there were some things we kept confidential. He was a good man though and doing this will make him proud. Sometimes even the brightest of world famous leaders don't know everything despite how much knowledge one has." Sonam expanded. Now this journey seemed a bit more difficult to figure out now. No matter what, all those responsible will answer for their heinous crimes."I want you to come to design this lair with us too. There is much work to be done here, so let's get started." I said.

   Over time, everything was taking its form. We designed a master computer with its Intel 20 software, 100 TB storage, satellite networking of city-wide coverage, and the best lithium ionized energy core for Padmini. We connected the wirings for a cyberdesk to store criminal files along with landscape software, news reports, suit schematics, 5 dimensional interface, and many advanced features to enhance fast technology. Sonam and I designed a storage valet to house weaponry, flight enhancements, micro ammo for dark energy, and a mini field test room. "My philosophy here is to never make anything to kill other lives no matter how evil they are. I hope y'all agree with this." I explained. "Yeah, that's fine with us." they both said. I was happy they agreed on these terms as Allah plans who goes, we don't. We counted on making a custom gym, training area with AI stat code, large kitchen, medical room, and a small library. Next, Sonam designed a custom elevator to our separate rooms where we can input our thoughts of how we wanted the rooms to look like. "When more people want to join your cause, I'll be happy to accommodate them as well. For now, I hope this is good enough." Sonam said. I also asked for dark matter car parts that were stored so I needed them to retrofit and upgrade my Honda to an accessible vehicle. It's completely surround sound for the suit built-in with expandable seats and ionized energy engines and thrusters. I'll only need it for huge octane missions when ready.

   I appreciated that so much sooner. I'll try to find Tavleen and Haniya with every effort I can. Padmini and I turned our attention to the suit design. We also got a workshop desk and a 3-D printer to start tinkering. I was able to create a neuro-linked interface in the helmet for full sensing of surroundings, combat moves of most fighting styles, self-defense tactics and enhance my armor by printing out stronger titanium and kevlar as an alloy bond for bullet protection. I wanted this to be important for my whole suit to process this heavy info as I continuously fight. garnered up some micro packages and filled them with unlimited "dark ammo for my blasters, hand cannons, and portable miniguns. I made sure they were gonna peirce any skin, just act as like rubber bullets to damage my opponents, not critically injure them. The holsters, belt, and black LED lighting were functioning smoothly.

     Padmini took care of coding well for the whole suit too. I asked Sonam's help to lend us her transporter to integrate it as a secondary software. I wanted to use this as a strict portal usage to travel beyond other places and get out of dangerous situations if need be. Our next focus was some making dark energy swords and gloves. We made and coded gloves packed with shock absorption and various grappling hooks, dark power blades, and for survival. Sonam and I made the batons with electrically charged dark ion particles. We also transferred this over for my swords too. I made sure they were compact and made smaller sheaths to store them in. There is a feature to manipulate its usage. One setting restricted its piercing on human flesh with a gray symbol and the second one allowed it to slash through metal easily shown by a green symbol. I wanted to still carry on my purpose of not harming any life whether be humans, animals, and plants.

       After 4 hours of reviewing schematics and fabricating the parts, this suit turned out awesome. "My last design here is this watch Padmini and I created. This allows me to subatomically transfer the suit's dark ionized matter back and forth at any time. So if I want to instantly change, I can get it from the lair with ease." I said. We gave it a test and it worked out greatly. I tested all the suit's capabilities in the training room, used my weapons, and all of it went well. "Thanks, Saafir for allowing us to design with you. I'm hopeful Muhammad would be happy right now despite his small secrets." Sonam said."We're way beyond that. He had to do it for the greater good anyway and I'm sure there will be more to uncover." Padmini said. I agreed with them both. There is still more work to be done around this lair so within a year, we'll soon fight crime for the Akel family legacy to go on.

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