Chapter 6: Phoenix Resurrection

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At the "Elite Leauge" Neighborhood inside Akel Mansion.....
(Yama Akel)

       The rest of this obnoxious family besides my sister were catching up on old times whenever we knew Muhammad well. Yazmeen and I made sure not to say anything to our other brothers so we evaded suspicion. Farran was a good cook though and had a mid-afternoon lunch tighter like old times. I made myself forget that blood-driven lust for revenge for just a while to deliver some bonding time with my long-lost brothers that weren't around. Time to just live in the moment I guess. "You know, how you make this food on a daily basis amazes me. This fresh biryani rice and karahi salan look great without even trying it. Seems like not much has changed with any of us." Yazmeen said. "One year of culinary school taught me how to survive daily routines in Pakistan a lot. From time to time we find other places around too, but I still kept up with this most days. This is how the three of us lived life over there." Fawaz said. "Even Muhammad had a bit of talent himself too. Not great at cooking but a smart student above us all. I mean below me though." Farooq said.

      All of us laughed at that since we would talk over the phone about those great days. I felt a sense of remorse but I'm way beyond that now. I was happily satisfied that improv seemed useful here. We did for fun until we truly embraced whenever Muhammad was around, building up that dream company of his. We kept talking for 3 more hours until they had to leave. I asked where they were heading off. "The three of us decided that we need to go our separate ways to achieve our passion. I'm heading to Scotland to further my interests in medieval studies." Farooq said. "I'll be exploring the ultra domain regions of the Alaskan wilderness to embrace the survival skills I've learned." Fawaz.

    "This guy, yeah me will be heading on to great old steel city Pittsburgh to study with bomb technicians and tech inventors in mining areas. I may also find some precious minerals along with this metal so you may see me in a CNN news headline nearby." Farran said. He always had dramatic flair in him so I let that slide as he hugged me. And man was that kind of annoying. I was relieved for them to just get outta here so that we can attend to other business we've arranged. They each said goodbye and teleported away to their locations. Yazmeen called up the Syndicate to come over to the mansion. They'll be teleporting soon so we arranged what we could in a hidden room that nobody else knew, just Yazmeen and I. "Just know we're also contacting all the volunteers we forged data from Muhammad's experiment. They're thrilled to come." Elite Trinity said. "Will you be coming with us??" I asked. "No, I won't be. I'm not interested in your petty squabbles, plus I have higher agendas to take care of. You'll see Gold and Silver Trinity, two of my highest ranked assassins. I expect full respect from you two. Am I clear?? Never again ask me foolish questions." she replied menacingly. "Yeah of course. My highest regards to you ma'am." I answered peacefully. She hung up so then we waited for our guests to arrive. The doorbell rang and I answered it, seeing a bunch of people we didn't know. In due time, these next couple of hours of discussion to rebuild a company of my image that'll trample the competition. If these can lockdown their destinies with our savvy resources; I can accomplish much more than Muhammad ever dreamed.

     My sister offered them water and food we had as hospitality in our conference room. Let's make this meeting one that'll change everything. First up were the Syndicate's best assassins. "Alright ladies and gents, let's get started. We're all here now after Mind Industries crumbled down letting these pair of siblings take over and redefine their reputation. I was able to send over two lawyers working for us to finalize all your financial plans over to your wealth.

     He allocated about 1.8 trillion dollars to help jump-start your new careers. You guys are very lucky and we also managed to secure a construction zone. Just start it when you're ready so y'all are set here. I'll let SIlver Trinity explain some important standards." Gold Trinity explained. "Ok guys, I'm proud y'all had the guts to subdue your family. I've never seen a pair of contractors in my days who were driven by lust. Anyways, as you remake this company to help serve the people as you wish, I also expect y'all to help out our highest authority known as Elite Trinity. Behind the scene, y'all can run your black markets transactions with other gangs global or local here in Alpha City. Meaning these people you see before you have the same rules too, so don't think anyone here is unaccounted for. Everyone can go their separate ways to your discretion but keep these terms in mind. Whatever weapons or products your trading or making, we Syndicate folk wants a report. Let's allow the Akel siblings to say their schematics of their company and then we'll open up the floor to you. We want to know what your real jobs were, not the fake stuff." SIlver Trinity said.

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