Chapter 10: King of the Animal Species

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Ultra Domain, Mid-cold Canadian Forest.....
(Dahhak Jahangir/Grindor)
      There are some challenges here to persuade these people, giving them a vision that's supposed to be clear. During this time, reproduction rates of hybrids shot up who I've declared by decree as my team of survivor adversaries. I reconstructed a whole new order in this lone kingdom going by old-time traditions. Letting this survivor gear tech usher in amazing clarity is able to revolutionize any task in mere seconds. The Bears and Wolves lumber workers cut down with axes and now can whip through five more. Our Fishers are able to create new aqueducts to let clean water filter our supplies and hydroelectric appliances in a constant loop. Scar-fang came up to me for a daily report as usual. This should be good as we've made cumulative progress here. "Your new tech has united many species, and followers, working at a constant pace. Uniting the Bear Claw and Wolf Fang territories have made tremendous techniques in forestry and hunting. We haven't seen a sustainable food supply in decades ever since the old kings ruled here. They are still a major inspiration. However, some have rebelled from this new life and would like to preserve old ways; they think messing up a natural balance isn't worth giving up how things used to be. What do we here sir?" Scar-Fang said. Blood vigorously raged all over as I thought of counter-strategies against them. "I would like some advisors and my trusty ally Razor Talon to oversee operations. I want to lead our best warrior classes and arrow shooters to journey across their region. I want to first make peace with them before striking their weakest structures. Call him in and I'll be back soon. Any unwanted visitors must be dealt with severely. Understood?" I replied. "Yes Grindor, your wishes will be fulfilled.
Good luck on your mission and return safely." Scar-Fang replied. He made sure things were gonna be fine as I gathered my supplies and took my best survivor warriors. They'll see true order when I tear them down myself.

Pocket Dimension Layer, Training Session Lambda 10, Afternoon......
(Saafir Radwan/ ShadowBlade)
    This new training sequence is really testing my strengths and limits in the field. A true weapon is using my environment against these guys, combining synergy and execution in my attacks as I perfected them at any moment. Guard has to always be up. "TRAINING SEQUENCE DEACTIVATED....." AI said. When that happened, I nearly fell on my face as Sonam switched it off. That's when attention is crucial. "I think you've outlasted this hotshot. Time to cool off. We need to talk." Sonam said. I know what she's thinking; it's about her run-in with Yama while I was away in Japan. We pulled up some chairs at the Cyber Desk to show me her findings. "Before I upload these images, I just wanted to say your suspicions about Yama were right. He and Yazmeen were involved in the whole Syndicate debacle. I see Padmini has transferred data for the enemies we've met. I want to add and elaborate more on Yama's file." Sonam said. I knew it. For some reason, I couldn't comprehend why he would do this to his own brother and family. Was there lust for revenge or pure hatred of self-image? I'll find out more now as we glanced over these recordings. "See if you zoom in here, all this is a secret room that has all sorts of black-market weapons he's been hiding. I'm assuming that figure is the Syndicate leader that's pulling all the strings. The audio distorted his or her voice so we can't know who's behind that screen. A smart move as their MO is secretive and mysterious. After I left there, in the most casual way possible, there were so many questions and doubts firing in my brain. That place isn't just a mainstream industry place people know. It's an empire driven by a dictator who'll stop at nothing to gain what he wants putting on an actor portrayal." Sonam replied.

       I know what she means. "No matter how much this is good proof, the High Order won't easily be convinced. As you mentioned, how they operate in high stealth and shade since no one else has seen them besides those scientists and workers who witnessed their horrible wrath. When we actually encounter them, we'll expose them for who they are soon. Also, do you know that extra cash load Muhammad left behind? What's that for anyway?" I asked. She took time to recollect from hearing his name again. Even if he had a great family, he was probably a close brother figure, judging by her emotions. "Sorry about that. Preksha, Muhammad, and I always had that kinship bond as we worked on the future that would one day outlast constant problems every society has like poverty, crime, homelessness, climate change, infrastructure, and virtually any topic that would change people's lives. He raised enough funds to jump-start them but never did.  His fascination with dark matter's relationship to reform and control interested him. I'm sure he would've wanted them to be a reality. Come to think of it, I saved all those files on a Terabyte drive. I always kept it with me here in a shrunk form but I lent it to a fellow friend at the Matter Facility before the experiment. He's kept for safekeeping, so I'll go get it back from him." Sonam replied. "Awesome. We can start arranging that over time and inform Alpha City residents to not expose Yama, but redirect him to why using Islam is meant for helping others and leading them on a brighter path. That'll be our small-time project." I said. An alarm blared on the Master Screen. But it didn't resonate in the city. Padmini helped determine city alerts and dimensional pulses. "It's a dimension pulse. This means that this is gonna be off-world without our help. The region is in a mild cold region called Ultra Domain where humanoid-animal-like species thrive. Seems like one of your buddies invaded there. Make sure your armor is heat adjusted and gather what you need." Padmini said. "Ok, thanks for the update. I'm glad you fixed that since it was hard to distinguish where these alarms come from. I'll stock up on my best gear and will switch my armor to white mode. 

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