Chapter 13: Forces of Nature

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Frazer district, lab area.....
(Taheed Shakur, Elemental)
        Sometimes the only way to get anywhere in this troubling life of mine is to experiment with it using earth's purest elements. I gotta say, numerous people have given me proposals that I'm proud of but some motivation reminds me there's more to achieve. Greed does surface up here but in a good catalyst unlike how my brother thinks, "Can you stop exerting yourself please? You're gonna hurt yourself. We've done great projects together ever since those people you spoke about have given you resources so let's just move away and start a new life to help unfortunate people." Sharjeel said. He'll never understand my point of view as to why this work will be beneficial but a great deal of sacrifice is needed. I'm able to control water, fire, lighting, and metal myself but I need something sustainable to not disrupt this harmonious control. "Look, I know mom and dad will be proud of how far we've gotten. One more breakthrough is all it's gonna take for us to be on top. Maybe outlast Yam's terrible empire and buy him out." I said with clarity. Sharjeel looked scared but knows I'll keep my word. There was a special report on the news, so I cranked up the volume. "Hello Alpha citizens. There will be an amazing demonstration fromEnegonic Robotics today, showing a sustainable power source that may revolutionize our energy output and intake. It's gonna be held in the main lab room spearheaded by Nasir Mera, the company's leading project leader. It's not every day this happens so please check that out and find out more on our main website. Now in other news..." the Newscaster said. I turned it off since that's all I needed to know. My smirk told Sharjeel that what I'm gonna say next is gonna be a bad idea. "No. Absolutely not. We're not thieves." he said. "Oh come on, when will an opportunity like this ever come again. Imagine how this'll make us big in this world. I'm trying my best to get our parents over here but they're dealing with state affairs. We can solve that problem and others. You don't have to come cause I'm doing this myself. I'll be back soon." I said. He assured me to stay safe and get it over with. Time to change our luck. For better or worse.

Endergonic Robotics, Sustainable Energy Demonstration, Mid-Afternoon.....
(Nasir Omera)
      Today is gonna be great. Nerve-wracking but that's what makes this so exciting. Man there are crowds of people and scientists, waiting to see our amazing work. I thank god for helping me get here, teammates and of course my faithful friends. I peered out to see everyone and saw Saafir up in the front row along with everyone else. We've been like brothers ever since he's bolstered my confidence a lot as we've gone through so much. Tabana made it too and is always my biggest supporter. I walked out there as they noticed how big a deal this was. "I'm proud of you bro. See with faith and good will, you accomplished great feats by overcoming challenges. I know you'll slay this presentation." Saafir enthusiastically said. "Yeah good job little brother. Even though I don't know what this stuff is, I can count on you two for a general breakdown. You should go. Don't want the crowd waiting right?" Tabana asked. I laughed a bit and then went back to the main stage. A deep breath will help calm down to avoid any mishaps. Gonna be a great one here so let's go for it. "Good afternoon ladies and gents. As you know, I was on the news for some time saying what this project is about. My research team and I have continually tested ways on why energy is something we use on a regular basis. Many ideas were formed but none of them proved successful. Until, we thought, let's not try to maximize area, but shorten it. What if there's a way to shrink our regular output so that we don't overexert and get a burnout. I present the Sub-Atomic Energy converter. A microscopic containment unit that can absorb excess usage and use it to sustain many things like appliances, hydropower, electricity, infracture, and others I haven't quite thought of." I explained. There was some laughter in between but without further ado, the main event started. We tested on various objects to capture the point I made and it was just amazing. I saw many researchers hooked on and that meant this was what I wanted. Tabana came up and hugged me, whispering I did good. Ok, yeah I did good but her faith helped too so I told her to go back and just keep watching.

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