Chapter 8: Siege at the Python Air Temple

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(Saafir Radwan)
       That mission took a toll on me, so I quickly changed and headed to my room to rest. I'll explain everything to Padmini as she agreed that I can't overwork myself. She took the flash drives from me and went out into the under-compartment section of our cyber desk. When  I got through my routine, these newfound leads took me by surprise leading me to wonder who the Syndicate's leader was. I'm sure whoever is doing this has orchestrated many master plans. I'll surely put a stop and now know that it'll take a long time, not a short one. I made due for prayers and slept away.

      Having a testifying night helped my mind settle down. I need to control overpowering this dark energy power even though most of my suit harnesses it 85%. The smell of fresh clothes and descending to get a decent breakfast was plenty. When I finished, Padmini was already at work decoding the drives, running algorithms from our master computer, and processing virtual recognition at the cyber desk. Records of all recruits appeared, but some files were firewall encrypted. I assume those deal with info for other recruits or more plans they compiled as they went along. There was an image that caught my eye. "Enhance that one with those two. I've seen them from somewhere." I said. The bottom description was titled "Main contract dealers of Muhammad Akel's death." Their faces seemed familiar. Of course, it all makes sense now. I couldn't believe this. His siblings did this cue, and he couldn't suspect that. His intentions were too pure, blinded by how they were jealous and sought bloodlust revenge. "All this is just unbelievable. I'm trying to stay sane here because I don't want to let my powers manifest and rage out. That's what the neurologic function is in my suit for," I said. "You're not the one I'm worried about. What will Sonam think of this? Muhammad was a close friend, trying to continue a great path. Preksha was the only family left doing great things, but she sacrificed herself to protect her. What are you going to do about that?" Padmini asked.

           I needed time to take a sec and ponder this. How driven can you be to kill your own family? I'm sure his brother and sister got mad. Then I thought about how we can use this as a gateway. "Bring up the most recent headlines this motioning. Isn't there a grand opening of Yama Corporation today? We understand that they did this, but we can't prove it. More evidence is needed, and until there's enough to expose them, there must be some hidden secrets within his new empire. Call Sonam. I know it's far-fetched, but what other choice do we have." I said, knowing this would be tough. "Alright, but I gotta have some doubts about this. Who do you wanna start investigating?" Padmini asked. I swiped through these criminals' descriptions. Most had ambitious goals, while others sought to prove a lot. Two people caught my attention. This will be off-world, but this is a place to start. "I'm journeying to the Kilimanjaro region. These guys seem to be using an ancient temple to train innocent villagers into assassins. They seem to give them a choice, but others support and oppose them. There is a small rebellion group, yet it's not nearly powerful. I'll need to persuade them to unite nearby villages to gain unity. I realize I won't have any communication here, so I'll handle this myself. AI, get me my best gear. Time to make my presence there." I replied.

        There was a portal that opened. I guess Padmini's call went through. I guess she had another portable transporter with her. "Hey, guys. What's the urgent news?" Sonam asked. " I'm sure that this won't be pleasing. Do you know Muhammad's siblings? They planned out his death and your sister, unfortunately." I said. She started getting mad and collapsed down crying. A pain like this is too unbearable. It took a while for all these tensions to surface. Padmini reassured me that there was a way that it'll be fine. "This is truly horrible. I just want to kill him today after his pathetic company opens. It won't bring her back, but I'll do whatever it takes to discover more." Sonam replied with slight relief. "He can't hurt you since his image for the public needs to be maintained. Any wrong move will overwhelm their emotions. We have to keep that until he is proven guilty. You have to gain their trust so that this favor may be unpleasant. Go to his grand opening today and say you're a former employee from Mind Industries. Find someone that can help you gain entry. I'll search for a new lead in Japan so that Padmini can help you." I pleaded. She took time to think this over. "Ok. I'll do it for her and Muhammad. Good luck with your mission. Soon there will be peace." Sonam said. We all agreed. I gathered what I needed and had to take off. This journey will be perilous, but I must bring these guys down. Watch out, Syndicate. Shadowblade will be a name they won't forget.

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