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" you have the kind of the smile, that would be cruel not to kiss "


             The woman staring back at me in the mirror was different, that much was for sure as I stare in a daze at the confidence in her stance, the effortless beauty and power emitting from her look and the way that she stood - tall and chin held up high with the slightest tilt in her head in wonderment.

And that person staring back was me.

I was the person in the mirror and I barely recognised myself.

Something was swirling deep within me today, a feeling that I could not quite shake no matter how I tried. I felt dangerous. With the way I looked for tonights feast it was no wonder as I admire the dress the seamstress had made for me for tonight.

Just like the induction ball, I was blown away at the details of the design. A pitch black gown that sparkled like midnight, twinkling golden stars embedded into the fabric on the top half of the dress before scattering downwards fine and sparely towards the bottom of the gown where it fell just short of the floor in an effort not to be dragged.

I twirl around in the mirror humming to myself in admiration, my hair having been left down in soft curls follows the movement but the crown atop of my head - another design far from the other one I had worn - was the biggest masterpiece of all.

This one was diamonds, crafted and bent in a shape that at the very front was a half moon horizontally placed and with a small wire holding it up, in the crevice of the moon was a star shaped in diamonds with the largest diamond placed in the centre.

With one more long stare at myself, I wonder once again what the feeling was that continued to swirl inside me. I just couldn't quite pinpoint what exactly it was, it was as if I were agitated, something was missing. I just hadn't had a clue as to what.

Shaking my head to knock out the thoughts and having no time for them, I twirl around to gather the last of the jewellery, lifting up the necklace and frowning slightly at the simplicity of the pendent. It wasn't as extravagant as the rest and yet...yet it was the most beautiful of it all and in every sense my kind of style.

The difference confuses me but nonetheless I spend way too long in an attempt to latch it around my neck, small noises of frustration escaping my mouth at every failed attempt. I was already late as is but this was the one piece of jewellery I wanted to wear, not that the rest weren't beautiful, it just seemed all a little...over the top.

Theres a knock on the door that startles me enough and I groan quietly as my hand shifts away from the hook just as I was about to get it in.

"Come in." I call out miffed, figuring someone had been sent to check in on me.

There's a sharp intake of breath from behind me that makes me twirl around, necklace still in hand, to look where Nolan stands eyes shamelessly looking all over me before settling his gaze straight into my eyes.

"Hi," I breathe out, flustered and feeling the heat on my cheeks.

"Wow." He awes, "you look- you look stunning."

"It's not too much is it?" I twist side to side watching the glitter of the dress twinkle against the lights with every movement. "Penny assured me it was something I needed to wear."

Nolan doesn't answer and when I glance back up he is transfixed for some reason on the crown atop of my head.

"Nolan?" My voice tilts into a question.

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