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" take my hand, take my whole life too "


(italics represent flashbacks)

It was just one look, one look at her and all I could feel was the soar of my heart beating in time with her own. I could feel the rush of adrenaline through my body all the way down to my toes. There was no description for my feelings for her - it was unlike any other. There was nothing to describe the breathlessness for when her eyes lock on mine and, goddess forbid when her lips tilt in that soft smile because for just one moment it was like the world paused on its axis, where all I could think is that's mine.

And she was curled up on one of the many couches in the Royal Library, a book half slipping from her grasp, soft gentle breaths matching in time with the rise and fall of her chest. The soft glow of the fireplace shined upon her, making her blonde hair and fair skin turn a shimmering gold.

Cassandra was absolutely breathtaking in all aspects, whether it be her personality, the way she held herself or just in her expressively vast looks.

"Has she been here all this time?" I lowly ask, approaching the sleeping beauty merely giving but a glance to my Delta who currently was poking the fireplace to gather more heat as the flames had long since died down.

With gentle precision I grasp the novel Cassandra had in her hands, sparing a quick look at the title explaining the peace treaty, this has me wondering why she was gathering such knowledge in her mind but for now I press the wonderment to the back of my mind, setting the book back down amongst the many others.

"She wanted to know a bit more about the witches." Drew explains behind me.

With a thoughtful hum, I grab a throw blanket and pillow from one of the other sets of couches. I set to slipping the pillow underneath her head where she nestles into it immediately, a soft huff of a sigh escaping her lips and then, ever so gently, I place the blanket on top making sure it covers her back that was exposed to the chill.

She's just so vulnerable in this state, I couldn't help but think my hand lingering on her shoulder where I tuck her in. The foremost thought that had been travelling through my mind all day (and it could be argued everyday) was: protect, protect, protect. I have to protect her, at all costs and under all circumstances it was a certain must just like breathing.

There was no question about be given this...this gift where- christ even my thoughts were erratic with little concise.

There was once a time where Cassandra ceased to exist in my life, the thought itself brings me back to how I had felt for so many years...I close my eyes for a brief second needing to compose myself where the solid of her presence in front of me and the remembrance of the day she was brought into my life stables me like an anchor.

Seeing her for the first time was like having all the air knocked out of me whilst simultaneously having it drawn back in where for the first time it felt as if I could breathe.

Over the many years of my life I have come to witness a few mates meet for the first time - one would eventually have to with the way I travelled amongst the lands. It was a beautiful thing to witness, the first time eyes meet slightly widening and lips parting in which majority gasped like all the air had been knocked out and they had been sorely deprived for a long split moment before remembering to breathe.

There was a certain list that derailed when mates first met - smell, sight, hearing and finally touch.

And meeting her for the first time happened like any other, except finally- finally it was me on the upside other end of the ordeal. First it was the smell, a sweet scent that wafted around me and had my wolf that had been oddly alert all day becomes erratic. It was a brush off at first until I enter the room where my head snaps up - the sight to behold in front of me sets everything alight, my mind and my soul shifting and the stories that I have been told, the stories that stay with me passed on by generations, talking about the way you feel complete, like you're finally whole, slip into my mind and I must agree.

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