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" you walk in, and my heart beats different "


Papers were once again scattered everywhere, Nolan was sitting right beside me. This time however we were in a conference room, comfier chairs for everybody to sit and more room to mull over our newly gathered information.

"This isn't a coincidence."

"You said he was searching for his daughter out in the woods." I repeat Nolan's words. "His daughter is Erin James. Her mother, is Erin Francisca James. Raymond went by an alias Richmond James, where fifteen years ago he took his daughter to the supermarket and never returned."

It made me sick to the stomach speaking all those facts out loud.

"Correct. We found the link between the two yet we still don't know who Hex is and where the pack resides." Nolan grits out angrily, fists banging on the table as he turns on his heels and storms to the other side of the room, hand running through his hair frustrated.

"He refuses to answer any other questions. The most we got was what we thought was an excuse to be in the woods looking for his daughter." Andrew speaks.

"But it was true." I point out. "Yet, we don't know the link between Josh either."

"It all makes sense though, we can't scent them so we think they're rogues, the data system doesn't recognise their faces because they're counted as deceased a decade ago. Josh doesn't even exist in the database because he's only six." Andrew rambles on. "If we look at all the missing case files how many of these people survived and went on to the pack?"

"We have more questions than answers." Nolan growls out, room rumbling at the power behind it.

Beta Jack and Delta Andrew duck their heads down in defeat, I stare at Nolan willing for him to calm down silently but knowing I couldn't send telepathic messages.

As if sensing this, he meets my eyes.

"Can you give Nolan and I a minute?" I speak up, my stare not wavering the slightest.

They file out without further question, in fact they high tail it out pretty quickly. When they are gone door closing behind them, I sigh out standing from my seat. "Come here, Nolan."

He walks over immediately to my surprise and when I open up my arms he wraps his own around my waist and pulls me down. I squeal lightly not expecting that at all as I'm placed on his lap and his face buries into my neck.

He was taking deep long breaths, calming himself down and my arms that were wrapped around his neck, allow my hands to move to the back of his head, fingers combing his hair.

"I understand it's frustrating to think that this Hex has been slipping past your radar all these years, it makes me mad too but being angry diminishes all hope for others."

"M'sorry." He breaths out, hot air tickling my neck causing me to wiggle and his grip to tighten around me instinctively. "I am supposed to be on top of everything."

I hum. "You are now and that's what matters the most."

"It frustrated me back then when all those people disappeared and I couldn't find any leads. Now I feel as if it's all happening again."

"This time is different though." I point out, "we have names, we have more people such as Andrew and myself and we aren't just following loosely based assumptions. We have hard facts and evidence."

"You're amazing, you know that right?"

"No. Say it again." I tease, burying my head into the nook of his neck and feeling his chuckles vibrate through me. "We'll find them, I know we will."

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