6: Helper

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Ignore mistakes, please

Third person P.O.V

As it was planned, Taehyung met her at lunchtime and they talked about the past two days. Taehyung definitely skipped many parts and just briefed her about the work, nothing much. The same goes for her, she didn't give any details about her important work.

Taehyung excused himself when Seoyun was about to order lunch. He walked back to the cabin and decided to take a bit of rest till the remaining workers joined the work.

He simply laid his head on the table and started humming his favorite song. Closing his eyes, he recalled the beautiful giggles of the young woman only to feel his heartbeat quicken as her face popped up in his closed eyes. Jolting up in surprise, he slapped his own forehead lightly, smiling lightly at his increasing craziness.

"Aish Taehyung, get a hold." He scolded himself, but deep down he was sure that, he lost his heart to the beautiful girl.

The break time was soon over and Seoyun came to him pouting. "You traitor, why did you leave me?" She screeched with an angry pout and the poor boy gulped.

"Um- actually, I- I wasn't hungry." He tried... keyword tried.

"This boy Is lying!" Here comes another voice. Taehyung turned back to see Semie standing there with her arms folded.

"Ah, noona. I wasn't hungry, really." He defended, and Semie felt like there was a competition of pouting.

"First of all, stop pouting!" She said with narrowed eyes and Taehyung's pout became more intense.

"This kid, I said stop pouting, both of you... ahh, my poor heart." Semie fake cried causing Taehyung to huff cutely while Seoyun rolled her eyes.

"Fine fine.. so what you were saying before?" Seoyun asked as she also glanced back to see other workers coming back to their cabins.

"He collapsed yesterday, can you believe that?" Semie started and Seoyun gasped in surprise, quickly turning to face the now embarrassed boy.

"Noona, it wasn't like that. I was just tired." Taehyung mumbled but Semie lightly slapped his shoulder with a frown.

"Don't you dare to lie again!" Then she turned to Seoyun, who had her eyes fixed on Taehyung's fidgeting fingers.

"Honestly, I never saw him in the cafe and I'm so damn sure that he is malnutrition." She added with a sigh.

She was truly concerned about the newbie and Taehyung was well aware of that, but he couldn't just tell them the reason. After all, he had a reputation to take care of, especially in front of his crush.

"Why? Wait! Did you skip lunch again?" Seoyun gaped in disbelief.

"No, it's just... I'm really not hungry. I had my breakfast." Taehyung defended himself again and before any of the two ladies could argue back, they all were asked to join an emergency meeting within 5 minutes.

Taehyung let out a sigh of relief at that and silently followed Minho as both girls were already gone. The large meeting room got filled with the workers quickly and Mr. Park entered the room.

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