15: Worst

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Ignore mistakes, please

Third person P.O.V

With all the tension lingering in his body, Taehyung walked back to his house with heavy footsteps and a foggy mind. The facts were bombarding him and bringing him back to reality like a slap.

"Why did I do that? That stupidity of wearing an expensive suit to impress her?!" He mocked himself with a bitter smile but his smile disappeared when he recalled the cause of that stain.

Anger started bubbling in his body when he realized that the arrogant CFO did that on purpose and added another big problem to his life. He groaned in annoyance, getting the attention of passersby people but the boy was less attentive to his surroundings by now.

Having a hope to think about solving it rationally, he reached a nearby park and spent some plentiful time by himself, trying to sieve out bad thoughts but it was a very difficult task for him. He lost his appetite once again in severe tension of being indebted.

The whole day, he tried his best to find a solution to the problem. Who is going to lend him this much money in this short time? Well.. it was a good amount for him and he wasn't the type to be indebted ever.

"Hyung?! Pass the ball." He heard a kid calling him with a pout. It took a little time for him to understand the demand and he looked down at his foot to find a ball resting there.

"Ah. Ok." He threw the ball to the group of kids playing in the park, all happy and free of any tension.

"Thank you hyung." The same kid chirped and got back to his friends, leaving a small smile on Taehyung's lips as well who watched the other giggling cutely.

That kid and the happy mood reminded him of his own childhood. He did remember, how his father used to take him to a park while Euni was just a bundle of joy in a blanket. His father was kind enough with both of his children and used to spend holidays with his family. Sweet memories clouded his mind and he didn't even notice a distant stare.

Slowly, the kids started going back to their own homes and then Taehyung realized that it was getting late. He also got up from the bench and went to the house. He rang the bell... no response. He waited and then did so again, again.. and again. But the house seemed empty, making him groan more.

"I asked her for the key many times. Why she is being like that to me." Already sour mood made him grumble in irritation and stomp on the road with a clenched jaw.

He couldn't stay at the doorway, knowing well that the old couple must be out for a picnic or something. It was so insensitive of them to ignore his presence in the house.

Feeling utterly annoyed, he walked back to the main road and finally, his stomach rumbled after hours. He decided to have something for his poor body and found a supermarket in his view, which made him quickly strode there to find some instant food. He roamed his eyes on the shelves, suddenly gulping the water in his mouth on the variety of snacks placed there.

After a bit of struggle, he found something very appealing and finally decided to get that. He stretched his hand to grab it but someone else grabbed that before he could.

"Grab the other." Taehyung turned back and slightly flinched at the voice, almost ready to retort at the rude person but clenched his fists when he saw the other.

"What's wrong with you? Are you chasing me?" Clenching his jaw, Taehyung blurted out with an annoying tone but Jungkook rolled his eyes and continued putting things in his basket, completely ignoring the now fuming brunet.

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