11: Ache

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Third person P.O.V

The brunet fell back as the side of the car hit him, causing his body to collide with the side of the footpath. His mind was clouded for a brief moment when someone came towards him and helped him to get up while checking his body for any injury.

"Oh lord! Are you okay, young man?" Taehyung heard the old man asking him with concern.

A rush of relief passed through his body when he saw the other all good, causing him to smile as if nothing happened a moment ago.

"I'm fine Sir, are you ok? I'm sorry if I pushed you harder." The old man shook his head, eyes still looking very concerned.

"I can't even thank you for what you've done for me now." Taehyung smiled and was about to say something when the driver of the car came to them.

"I'm so sorry, I'm really sorry. I don't know what happened to the brakes." The man apologized, bowing continuously. Taehyung felt angry with the man but deep down he was also aware that it wasn't his fault.

"It's ok son." The old man said, his voice very well and kind of authoritative.

"You both are ok? Should I call an ambulance?"

"No, it's fine," Taehyung said, trying his best not to snap at the other.

"Can you walk young man? Let's see if your legs are hurt or not." The old man suggested.

"It's fine Sir, it's getting cold... you should go home now. Don't worry, I'm totally fine." Taehyung said with a smile as the driver got a call and left.

"Are you sure? Where do you live?" The old man asked, definitely concerned and Taehyung took steps with the older to the side, hissing lightly when his leg hurt with each step.

"I live nearby sir. I'm fine, believe me." Taehyung tried to convince the man as he stepped away from the older, in order to make an escape as he didn't want to make him worried or guilty for his pain.

The old man was unsure but nodded his head as Taehyung bowed to him and turned to leave, that's when he saw the red and now swollen wrist of the younger who was at a considerable distance from him. He also noticed the limping of the other.

"Young man!" The old man called him but Taehyung already took a turn in the other street.

"Oh, I didn't even ask his name. What a nice boy." The old man muttered sadly, getting hold of his fallen plastic bag, and started walking to his house.


Taehyung hissed again and now the pain was increasing not only in his leg but also in his wrist. He was sure that he might have fractured the joint or worse broken it.

He pressed the bell and waited for the door to open while putting his whole weight over his other leg as even standing was hurting now.

What a day.

He groaned and pressed the bell button again when no one opened the door for him, he waited for more than 15 minutes but when no one opened, he started feeling shaky under the cold sky and aching body.

When he moved his injured and now well-swollen wrist, a pain of cry left his lips. So, he decided to visit a clinic before doing anything else.

To his luck, there was a private clinic near his house.

"Your joint is fractured from the hit." The doctor said, dressing his left wrist as Taehyung was just looking at his broken wrist with teary eyes.

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