17: Lashing out

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Ignore mistakes, please

Third person P.O.V

After calming down a bit, he went to the washroom to wash his face, definitely not in the mood to receive some more annoying comments from his new boss.

"Finally you decided to come back." That's what he heard when he entered the room. How much he wanted to throw something over the face of the other but at the same time, he felt drained.

"I'm sorry." He simply said and sat back, not before bumping into the side of the couch.

Jungkook cocked his brow at the down face of the other, but definitely why he would be concerned about him?

Both continued their work once again till it was 12 a.m. That's when Taehyung felt the limit for him. His eyes felt extremely heavy, stings making it harder to keep them open. Also, his body was now surely burning with the temperature that he was trying to avoid for the past hours.

Moreover, the new need for money was eating him up internally. He was really in need of arranging the money for his sister as well as for the payment of the rented clothes.

"We are done. Make sure to be here in my office by 8 a.m. sharp. I don't like my employees when they're late." Jungkook ordered while packing his things but Taehyung felt like doing nothing but seeing his sister well and healthy.

When Jungkook felt the lack of response, he whipped his head to look at the boy who seemed lost in his own thoughts.

"Feels like you're in love with my office. Well, good for you, you can forget about Seoyun this way more easily." Jungkook chuckled humorously knowing well that the comment must be very irritating for the other. And as expected, Taehyung scowled at the comment but again kept his mouth shut.

"Finally you've some manners now." Taehyung again ignored that and got up to grab his things as well.

Jungkook just shrugged it off and waited for the other to leave. Taehyung walked out of the office while keeping his balance to the best. They both walked to the elevator and Jungkook pressed the button.

Taehyung was thinking hard, about how to get the money and from whom. Being absent-minded, he scrolled through his contacts, and then his fingers stopped over Semie's number. Once the elevator dinged, both got out of it, one in haste while the other in a daze.

When Jungkook was at a distance from him, Taehyung finally dialed his number of Semie.

"Ah, Taehyung I was about to call you." The very tense voice of Semie made him freeze.

"Semie.. is everything ok?"

"No Tae... My mother is very sick and she is in hospital. I just got the call and that's why I'm going to my hometown for a week. I already informed Mr. Park, and I was about to call you to inform you as well." She said and Taehyung bit his lips, feeling utterly unlucky for getting such news within a day.

"What happened to her?" He asked with a heavy heart.

"She had a heart attack. I'm so worried about her. Please pray for her health Tae.."

He could hear the shuffling, maybe she was packing.

"Don't worry Semie. She will be fine. Ok, stay strong. Please update me as well about her health."

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