24: Failed

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Ignore mistakes, please

Third person P.O.V

He kept running and running until he was standing in front of the house again. Clouds were growling as the loud thunder rambled through the rather silent area.

His tired legs and empty stomach wanted some rest so he just sat on a bench in a small park. All the previous events and the blame were hurting him badly. A bit of relief he got back then, was again shattered.

Who recorded the video? How can people be so cruel without knowing the reality? His whole future was destroyed at that point. The video was already viral by the name of an 'innocent looking robber'. People have no clue of the reality and they just kept forwarding and spreading the content for fun, not knowing the consequences on a certain brunette's life.

Taehyung felt something warm and wet on his skin. Bringing his hand up, he felt the liquid that came out as his own tears. Another bitter truth, he was again crying. He was again on the verge of failing his family, no.. actually he failed already.

Time passed like a wind as the lights from the clouds-covered sky dimmed. Birds started flying to their homes while that boy sat on the bench, not even able to call a place a home.

Luck was really checking his limits as suddenly the rain started pouring lightly, wetting his old blue hoodie. That's when he decided to go back to the house, though his mind was screaming a no his body was in need of some rest.

Finally, when he reached the door, he knocked once, twice but no one opened the door. He could see the lights from the window but no one was answering his calls.

A strong gush of cold wind hit his lightly wet body, his hoodie lightly sticking to his skin here and there.

"Auntie! Open the door." He called again but felt like, no one was hearing his voice.

He banged the door rather harshly and the door burst open by his auntie who was fuming in anger.

She practically pulled him inside harshly before closing the door. Chayun was standing behind her, his face was blank.

"Give me the rent." His auntie demanded with a frown. Taehyung blinked in surprise, there were days for that then why?

"I said, give me money Taehyung!"

"I- auntie, I still have some time-"

"You lost your job, didn't you?" She spat again and Taehyung froze on the spot. How did she know?


"You even tried to harass my husband!" She grabbed his collar, eyes holding fury and anger.

Taehyung's shaky pupils fell on his so-called uncle who was now smirking widely.

"No! He- he is the one who tried to touch m-"

A loud slap stopped his sentence midway. He was sure that the slap would leave a mark on his cheek as the skin was stinging so badly.

"Baby, stop. Let him go." Chayun butted in, trying to sound a bit concerned but Taehyung knew well, he was enjoying.

"Get his bag and throw him out Yun, I'm so done with him! He is even trying to be a thief and robber. Who knows, if he turns into a molester as well." Taehyung's eyes widened at the cruel words she was spitting on his face.

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