18: Break

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Ignore mistakes, please

Third person P.O.V

Jungkook frowned and opened his mouth to say something, but Taehyung just ran away from there, wiping his tears with the sleeves of his sweater.

Jungkook sighed and closed his eyes for a brief moment but when he opened them again, he saw the other employees whispering and looking where Taehyung just ran away.

"What are you all doing here?! GO BACK TO YOUR WORK!" Everyone quickly disappeared from there and went back to their work.

Jungkook went back to his office as well, a scowl on his face when his office door opened in the next minute.

"Told you to be careful about your words!" Jungkook seethed but when he turned back to see the other, he was met with a confused Park Jimin.

"Um- I heard some commotion outside. What happened?" Hearing that, Jungkook rolled his tongue again and walked to the small fridge to grab some cold water.

"Nothing much." Jimin nodded his head, trying to put one and one together from the comments he heard from the other employees. He shrugged it off and sat on the chair to discuss about the new project.


Taehyung never knew that he would stop there after his outburst. Right now, he was sitting in the cafe that was almost empty. He stopped crying but internally, he wanted to scream out all of his anger and frustration. He felt trapped in his own fault and the reasons were making it worse.

"Oh, Tae?!" Here he heard the voice he wasn't expecting at the moment, causing him to turn his face to see Seoyun standing there with a smile.

"Where were you? I didn't see you for two days. Scratch that, I didn't even have any drink with you at the party." She tsked and sat in front of him with the same smile.

"How are you?" She asked but her smile slowly faltered when she noticed the sadness on his face. She stretched her hand to grab Taehyung's. "Hey, everything ok? Why do you look so dull?" She inquired but then she noticed another thing. "Your hands are oddly warm Tae. Are you alright?"

Taehyung was just feeling frustrated, so he pulled back his hand from her hold.

"I'm fine, Seoyun shi. You don't have to worry about someone like me." His tone was very different and she quickly caught it.

"Why are you saying that? Tell me what's wrong?" Taehyung laughed sarcastically at that.

"Like you care."

"What do you mean by that? Of course, I care-"

"No! You didn't care when making out with someone else while you gave me a chance!!" He spat but clenched his jaw when he noticed her expressions morphing into shocked ones.


"Please, you could've said no instead of cheating right after accepting my proposal." This time his voice came out drained. He was definitely trying his best to forget that scene and that's why he was ignoring the other. But now when she was talking all sweetly like nothing happened, it triggered him.

Seoyun gasped and covered her mouth, her eyes getting glossy as she hung her head low.

"You are blaming me? You don't trust me Tae?"

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