32: Not alone

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Third person P.O.V

"I really want-"

"Want me? For what? For your satisfaction of seeing me broken after your victory?" Taehyung snapped again at the other who looked up wide-eyed, shaking his head in denial.

"That's not what I mean Taehyung-"

"Stop calling me like we are close Mr. Jeon because we can be anything, but close to each other. We were nothing, although we had a little relation as boss and employee, besides rivals." Taehyung mumbled lastly and turned again.

"You're not listening to me, but believe me... I was never behind her. I don't know, how to put it in words... but." He trialed at the end to which Taehyung scoffed loudly, again wiping his eyes.

"Aren't you tired of your drama? I can't believe your words, Mr. Jeon. I may be rude and anything, but honestly... I'm not thinking straight for now. You did this all and now saying that you were never behind her, then why did you do that?" Jungkook sighed when his reaction was thrown over his face, he got up slowly and smiled sadly.

"Yeah. You're right. I wasn't expecting to have a normal conversation after what happened." He stopped for a second, looking at the back of the other whose hands were shaking due to the cold wind or maybe because of the anger.

Jungkook removed his own jacket and gently draped that over Taehyung's shoulder, taking him by surprise as he felt the weight. He turned to find the other's face closer to his, eyes glossy but lips forming a sad smile.

"It wasn't me, Tae. I hope, one day you believe in me when I give you proof." Biting his already chapped lips, Jungkook softly mumbled and lightly squeezed Taehyung's shoulders, reminding him that his hands were still there.

Taehyung felt his tongue freeze when he saw those deep eyes. For the first time, he felt them really... like really deep and with true emotions, even when those weren't readable to him, they were there.

"Maybe one day, I'll explain the meaning of me wanting you, because now you won't believe me and also, I'm not in a situation to tell you everything." Taehyung silently listened to him, each and every word held a deep meaning that he really wanted to understand.

"For what you lost, I'll try my best to give it back to you. I promise." The hold over his shoulders slipped and he suddenly felt the loss of warmth, even when the thick jacket was still there.

"Take care.." Jungkook's voice sounded so soft and sad that Taehyung felt like the other was crying.

His gaze silently followed as Jungkook stepped back but his eyes were still fixed on him. If anyone else saw them like that, it might seem like the raven-haired was going away with a heavy heart, without his will. Like his eyes were screaming, that he really wanted to be with the other but he couldn't have him... like he wasn't his.

"What are you doing here, Taehyung?" Namjoon's voice asked him from the door that was now open. When did it happen?

Taehyung blinked and turned to see the elder who had a confused look plastered on his face.

"I- Nothing." With that, he quickly stepped inside the house, but Namjoon did see the raven-haired who was standing near a car but his eyes were kind of fixed on where Taehyung disappeared.

Jungkook blinked his eyes, few drops fell over his cheeks.. rain? No, his own tears. His whole demeanor was breaking to the point he didn't know, how he controlled himself from crying when Taehyung was wailing in front of him, crying like a totally broken and lonely boy.

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