20: Stressing over

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Third person P.O.V

Taehyung was still in his deep thoughts when he felt the cold breeze seeping through his skin and making him shiver violently. Then he realized that he wasn't wearing his coat, also he noticed the new bandage around his previous fractured wrist.

"I removed that, then why it's here again?" He questioned no one but shivered again, causing him to embrace himself.

Cuddling to his own body as much as he could, He looked around to feel the roads a bit emptier than usual, which meant it was getting late and he was still on the road.

Reaching the bus stop, he sat there with the bag in his lap to feel a bit of shield from it.

A loud horn made him look up to see a white car in front of him and someone coming out of it in a hurry toward him.

"The hell! Why did you come here by yourself?! Look at you, not even wearing anything warm in this cold while your body is already suffering from severe cold.!" A very strong tone of Minho startled him badly as he just watched the other speeding toward him in a daze.

Minho removed his own long coat and draped it over Taehyung's back and shoulders, quickly covering the latter in the warmth. Taehyung just blinked in surprise and daze while Minho grabbed his both hands to make him stand and guided him to the car.

"Come on, get in the car. That nurse is going wild since you left the hospital." Minho grumbled with a frown but his frown disappeared when he noticed Taehyung's eyes blinking slowly at him.

"Taehyung, you still need rest. You should be in the hospital instead of on the roads. Get in now, hm?" Taehyung compiled after a few seconds.

Within seconds, Minho was driving the car back to the hospital. The shivers in Taehyung's body calmed slowly in the warmth of the car's heater. He leaned his back and rested his head over the window. The tiredness coming back.

Minho side glanced over him but silently continued to drive.

"Taehyung?" He softly called the younger who seemed in deep sleep. But when he felt that Taehyung was waking up, he moved out of the car to the other side to open the door for the brunet.

"We are here. Let's go." Taehyung frowned and shook his head, making him frown as well.

"But why? You need to stay here."

"I don't want to burden you anymore," Taehyung whispered lowly, eyes casting down, feeling embarrassed.

"You aren't burdening anybody. Let's go, it's cold here." Taehyung again shook his head but yelped when Minho gently dragged him out of the car and to the hospital entrance.

"Please, I can't afford the bills!" Taehyung hissed and pulled his hand back harshly. At the sudden outburst, Minho sighed and again grabbed his wrist gently.

"Company is paying, because they know their fault." This time Taehyung opened his mouth but Minho gestured for him to stop talking.

"We are going and that's final." With that, Taehyung soon found himself in the hospital bed with the nurse standing in front of him with a death glare.

"Never ever do that again you little head. I was this close to running behind you." She showed her two fingers with no visible space between them. Taehyung bit his lips and apologized politely.

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