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Some teachers can't stand the Marauders and some can't help but laugh along with them.

Then there's Professor McGonagall. She rolls her eyes and chastises them whenever they do something wrong, but, I see that she always smiles a little right after. Maybe the right word is soft spot. She can seem as indifferent about them as possible but it's so easy to see that she has a soft spot for the four boys.

"Mr. Potter has requested for your presence at the hospital," Professor McGonagall says as she pulls me out of Charms. Her usual blank face is filled with worry. "Your head of house and Dumbeldore are completely fine seeing the circumstances we are currently in."

Her hands are shaking as she leads me to her office where I'll be flooing to St. Mungos. She doesn't say much but I also don't say anything, so maybe I'm the problem too.

Of course, there's a gut feeling about what's happening but .  . . it's too soon. The chance of it happening is so small and it's far too early for something like this.

"Thank you," I say, right before I'm about to leave. The wary expression on her face makes me add, "I'll make sure they're alright."

It's become a familiar sight over the last few months, the old brick mixed in with more modern white walls here and there. Constant announcements and chatter of people fill the air and it's so similar to a muggle hospital, but, the magic. You can feel the magic pulse everywhere because even if you feel like this is some normal hospital, you'll turn and be greeted with something that reminds you that it truly isn't.

I start walking to the information desk, practicing in my head how I'm going to ask for direction because my anxiety is skyrocketing with each step.

Hi, I'm here to see, uhm, Mrs. Potter? Or maybe it's Mr. Potter. Do I have to say the full name, well, then, Fleamount and Euphemia Potter. I really wasn't given much to work with I'll be honest but--

"Angelina," a voice exclaims.

I turn around to see Richard, Rachel's dad, walking over to me with a big smile. He gives me a little hug of sorts as he arrives then looks down at his clipboard, his smile falling.

"Do you know where the Potters are," I ask, hoping they're still his patients. 

He nods, then starts walking as if I should know to follow. "When James prepared me for a number of his friends to arrive, I didn't realise you were one of them," he says. "There's already three of them here. All of them are horribly quiet, even the oldest Black. I remember seeing him at dinner parties and all he'd do is talk, but today, he hasn't even said a word."

I try matching his pace, but it's futile. Rachel gets her height from her father and he's a terribly tall man, he's well over six feet though not exactly seven feet either. His long strides are about four of mine. 

"So how's school going?"

"Good," I say, as we start our way up the stairs. "Haven't had much luck in the acceptance area though."

Richard gives me a sympathetic look, "It's a hard process, but I know that God has his plan for you." He steers the conversation away from that after sensing my mood dampen and starts talking about his wife. "Jin brought home a dog a few days ago." 

Rachel only gave me a brief explanation at Christmas of her mother's ever-changing name. When she immigrated with her family decades ago, she'd decided to Westernize her name because she was dealing with an overwhelming amount of racism from other magical families. They'd find ways to mispronounce her simple name and she'd had enough after a while. 

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