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Life goes on.

Angelina Peirce is 19 and has just finished her first year of healer school.

Richard and Jane have come over to the beach house and the Boots and Bennets are all celebrating tonight. Happy that their two girls are a bit closer to being done the streneous path of being a healer.

She's drank too much red wine and she'll never learn to hold her liqour. The ringing of the phone hurts her head so she's walking to it, telling Rachel she'll be right back in a few moments.

"Hello," Angelina says into the phone. Then frowns at light blue phone, "I didn't even know we had a phone at this place. You must be a smart a person."

There's a laugh.

She recognizes it too easily. "James!"

"Congratulations, Peirce. I knew you could do it."

"I still have a few more years of this."

"Yes, Lily filled me in on the process of being a healer."

"She should've stayed in the program, there's only four women! We need as many as we can get."

"I'll mention that to her. But, well, that's the reason why I called. I'm getting married!"



"That's good. That's . . . really good. I'm happy for you."

"I just wanted to be the one to tell you."

"I appreciate it. Thank you."

Rachel's holding her hair back while she throws up into the toilet, crying because it feels like a betrayal almost.

"It hasn't even been in a year," she whispers, blowing into a kleenex.

"I know."

"When we broke up, I didn't even cry, Rach. Why am doing this now?"

"You're just in shock," Rachel whispers, handing her the whole box of tissues. "It's a lot to process, Ang. I get it."

She get's an invite to the wedding the next week. Angelina considers it for a few moments but she doesn't trust herself to go through with it. So she declines and says some lie about having some travelling plans ready.

It's not a total lie because she ends up going to New York with Siobhan. Angelina shows her the jazz club and Siobhan's in love, already trying to plan out how she and Edwin might be able to move to this city because it's breathing life into the artist in her that's been quiet for a long tie.

At some point, Angelina watches as Siobhan goes up and plays piano for some band who's pianist fell sick. She watches her in her element and likes the idea of Maggie growing up in a city like this, filled with possiblities and diversity that the wizarding community back home lacks.

She also writes back to Nathan while someone plays some Ornette Coleman song. They send each other letters occasionally and she hasn't gotten to write back to his latest rant about Jack Kerouac being overrated (she agrees and tells him that they should just stick to Bukowski and Hemingway).

It's not strictly platonic between them anymore but it's also not probable. So they're just in this awkward postion of waiting and waiting with nothing ever happening.

But Angelina's okay with that because she likes writing long letters and anticipating replies. She likes to think of herself as some Jane Austen heroine because isn't that what they always did? Just wait and wait and wait. If they can do it, Angelina definitely can.

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