christmas day

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"Hey, babe." Kendall said, walking over to you on the couch.

Everyone had eaten their Christmas dinner and spread around the living room and the kids were on the floor playing with their new presents. Kendall had been gone with Kylie for the last thirty minutes on the call with their dad so you stayed with Kourtney and had a chat with her. A lot of people had been drinking but you hadn't felt ready to drink again after drinking the night before - the same could be said for Kendall too who had a pretty rough hangover from last night.

You grinned at Kendall and greeted her with a small kiss, if it weren't for your complete adoration for Kendall then perhaps you would have noted the stares from her family members.

"Look what I have." Kendall said before pulling a Christmas cracker in between you both, "A Christmas tradition from home."

You chuckled lightheartedly and grabbed an end, Kendall smiled sheepishly and started to pull at the cardboard.

The cracker popped open and you had 'won', causing you to let out a small cheer as you pulled out the crown and put it on your head. You reached inside and pulled out the paper and then reached inside and pulled out a silver ring with a diamond on. Your heart began to race as you looked back up at Kendall.

She grabbed your hand and whispered, "Read the paper."

You gulped and looked down at the white paper that had the words 'will you marry me?' printed out in black cursive ink.

"Of course I'll marry you!" You said, putting your hand against her cheek and pulling her into you for a kiss. As you parted, you leaned your forehead on hers and whispered, "I love you so much."

Cheers and whoops could be heard from the family, who had done well to be so quiet for so long. You and Kendall let out joyous airy laughs as you looked around at everyone as Kendall slid the ring onto your finger.

"That was so cute guys." Kylie said grinning at the two of you, "I'm so glad you said yes, Kendall was shitting herself in the kitchen."

"Kylie!" Kendall whined.

Before your brain could even register it, Kris was pulling you up from the couch and into a bone-crushing hug.

"Oh, Y/N this is the bestest gift this Christmas. I would say welcome to the family, but you've been a true part of this family for a while now." Kris said, "Thank you for being you and for loving my Kenny."

You grinned as you squeezed her tightly before pulling you back and thanking her. As the sun went down a few hours later, you and Kendall found yourselves outside by the pool alone for the first time since the morning. You were sat on some sun loungers cuddled up under a lightweight blanket as you stared up at the moon and the stars.

"I can't believe you're gonna be my wife one day." Kendall said to you softly as she played with your hair.

"You better believe it, baby." You joked, "Seriously though, I was not expecting that today."

Kendall smiled, "You didn't? I had slipped up so many times in the last few months I was so sure you had clocked on."

"You know me, Ken." You said, "I'm such an oblivious person, everything you said must have just gone straight over my head."

Kendall just laughed as she tightened her hold on you, "Thank you so much for spending Christmas with me this year." She told you, "You don't know how happy it makes me to be doing these things with you."

"We can do much more when we're married." You told her with a sly wink, "We've been saving ourselves for that special wedding night."

Kendall threw her head back and laughed, "That's been well and truly broken. We literally had sex on our first date."

You shrugged, "We were already going to hell anyway for being gay."

"Very true." Kendall said, "I think I could take burning for eternity in hell if it meant I could spend my lifetime loving you."

You grinned, "Damn, you at Christmas is pretty corny."

Kendall laughed and nodded her head, "That I am, baby."

The two of you grew quiet as you stared up at the sky and imagined your wedding day and the future.


a day over christmas but i was way too drunk to write this yesterday! happy holidays:)

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