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"You know, I'm starting to think she loves you more than me." Kendall said, coming back into the bedroom with two mugs of coffee in her hand.

She had left the room about 10 minutes ago to retrieve you both a drink, leaving you to sleepily cuddle Pyro as you tried to wake. You have been staying at Kendall's house for the last five days now, each night as it comes closer to the evening you suggest going back home, but the attempts are pretty futile as you know Kendall doesn't want to be apart from you. Since having stayed with her though, you and Pyro had really bonded - you loved it especially because of how much you loved dogs.

You chuckled lightly, and sat up to gratefully accept the hot drink, "I mean..."

Kendall shoved you lightly as she got back under the covers to snuggle up to you both, finding it fairly difficult though because of the large dog placed in between you both.

"Py, are you stealing my girlfriend from me?" Kendall mumbled, caressing the dog's face.

Pyro stared up at her before looking towards you and placing his head down on your chest making you coo and kiss his head.

"Honestly I hope she does." You said, before laughing at Kendall's pout.

Your attention was brought to a different type of distraction though, in the form of Khloe and Kim who decided the two of you deserved a visit. Kendall immediately let out a sigh of discontentment as she waited for the pair to storm through the bedroom door.

"Oh, ladies," Khloe sighed teasingly, "It's almost noon why are you still in bed?"

Kim chuckled lightly as she saw your faint blush.

"We were up late last night." Kendall shrugged, "We were apart for months guys, I don't know what else you would expect."

You immediately felt embarrassed and groaned, throwing your head deeper into the pillow.

Kendall laughed, "Sorry, babe."

"We wanted to have some lunch with you guys today." Kim stated, changing the topic of conversation which you were pretty grateful for, "Should we order something?"

Kendall pondered, "I mean, I do have salad and stuff to make a decent spread. Just depends on what you want."

"I'm sure we can make do with that." Khloe said, "We'll get it started and you guys can freshen up, yeah?"

You and Kendall were pretty thankful for that suggestion and managed to pull yourselves together pretty quickly. Kendall was slightly faster though, so when you made your way to the kitchen area, you got to hear the teasing she received from her siblings.

"Sorry for barging in on you guys like that, Ken." Kim said, as she prepared some pasta, "We thought you guys would have been up by now."

Kendall shrugged, feeling pretty used to their unexpected visits, "It's fine, Y/NN and I were saying last night we should hang out soon."

"I'm just glad we didn't walk in on you guys doing the deed." Khloe teased.

Kendall rolled her eyes and busied herself with slicing some bread, "Please don't bring stuff like that up with her. She gets uncomfortable and you guys have only met her a handful of times, I don't want you guys to put her off."

Kim pouted, "Awh, you guys are so cute!"

"Honestly I could literally see you guys getting married." Khloe said, "Y/N is definitely the best partner you have ever had."

Kendall became bashful, "I really love her. I have never felt more comfortable with someone before like I do with her."

Pyro seemed to alert everyone of your presence, causing you to walk in before your new feline friend caught you out in front of the others.

"Hey, guys." You said, making your way to Kendall to wrap an arm around her loosely, "Is there anything I can do to help?"

The brunette leaned into you slightly and looked your way, "I have some wine in the cooler in the garage - could you grab them for me please, babe?"

"Of course." You smiled, calling out for Pyro and leading her to get the wine with you.

After a while you all got to sit around the table and enjoy the meal together - the wine definitely helped alleviate the slight awkwardness you felt around your girlfriend's sister's. Plus, Khloe's sexual comments definitely caused you to blush a bit too hard at times and shift uncomfortably so the wine definitely allowed you to feel more comfortable to play around with the comments thrown at you both.

Everyone had moved to the yard to sit around with some drinks and continue hanging out, Kendall and you were sitting on one side whilst Kim and Khloe sat on the other. Pyro was, of course, sitting next to you as well with her head on your lap.

"How's the music coming along?" Kim asked you, "Are you done with your tour now?"

You nodded, "Yeah, we wrapped the tour up here in LA last week. I fly to New York next week to talk with my manager about plans for the next album, but I have a few things lined up."

"And she's going to record a new single with Halsey." Kendall said, rolling her eyes slightly, which you couldn't help but laugh at.

Kim raised her eyebrows and looked between you two in amusement, "Ken, I never knew you were the jealous type."

"I'm not jealous!" Kendall groaned, "I just-"

Khloe interrupted turning towards Kim, "How the hell did you not know she was jealous?" She exclaimed, "You were there when she went ape shit over Y/N hanging out with a friend, and that was before they were even together!"

"Okay, okay, you can be quiet now." Kendall groaned, trying to hide the blush that had crept onto her cheeks.

You put your arm around her and pulled Kendall into your side, kissing the side of her head. The two of you jumped in surprise as Pyro wormed her way in between you both.

"Pyro, really?" Kendall groaned.

Khloe and Kim laughed, "Damn, see? She's even jealous of sweet Pyro."

Kendall scowled and threw a cushion over to the other pair, with a 'fuck you' thrown their way too. You couldn't help but grin as you cuddled into Pyro and your girlfriend.

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