our own world

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"So, are you not going to Paris?" Kim questioned, as she scrolled through her contacts mindlessly.

"I don't think so, I wasn't going to do Milan, but then my agents were like 'you should do Milan and then if you don't want to do one of 'em, just don't do Paris'." Kendall replied as she stroked the puppy on her lap.

"What about mom?"

"Mom's coming with me." Kendall confirmed, "But like, I just wanna be more lowkey..." She said.

Kendall's words had a double meaning to them really. She did want to do less work and be at home more this year to calm everything down, but the main reason for wanting that was so she could spend more time with you and not be away for so long. But, she still hadn't told her family about your relationship because it was still relatively new and she wasn't ready for the little secret to be broken.

"Oh, yeah?" Kim asked, a hint of a sly smile - her sisters had suspected Kendall was seeing someone, or at least was into someone, but they weren't going to bring it up until their sister did.

Kendall nodded, "I just want to spend more time home and see you guys more." She explained, "I feel like I've missed so much over the years." She sighed, "I just want to have a quieter year, y'know."

Kim nodded, "Yeah, I understand, Ken." She smiled, "Well, if ever you feel the desire to spend time with your nieces and nephews, then you are always welcome to babysit."

Kendall laughed, "Of course, I'm a pretty good babysitter."

"I mean, you did let North cut her own hair last time you looked after her."

"That was years ago!" Kendall exclaimed, trying to defend herself, "And I was so much younger now. I looked after Mason and P for like two whole days and they are completely fine, if not better from my care."

Kim cackled at Kendall's rather shrill tone as she spoke, "Sure thing, Kenny."

Kendall narrowed her eyes at her sister and looked down at her phone, noticing that you had messaged her to let her know you were back home and that she could come by whenever. She stretched her arms up and sighed, getting ready to go and meet you. The two of you had been apart for nearly a week and so Kendall was eager to get over to you.

"Right, I gotta go." Kendall said, her eyes not meeting Kim's as she always cracked under her older sister's gaze when she lied, "I need to meet a friend."

Kim raised her eyebrows in amusement, "A friend?"

Kendall rolled her eyes, "I'll see you tomorrow at mom's."

"Sure." Kim said, "Have fun with your friend."

Kendall got to your apartment in good time as you didn't live too far from Kim herself and flung herself into your arms. You chuckled and stumbled backwards slightly as you tighten your arms around her.

"I missed you." You told her, "Five days really is too long, y'know."

Kendall nodded in your arms, "It really is."


Kim, Kourtney, Kris and Khloe were all sat around the kitchen counter scrolling aimlessly through their social media. It was the same day Kendall had left Kim to hang out with you and the pair of you had been cluelessly sharing frozen yoghurt together along the promenade of Los Angeles.

However, Kris got a notification from Kendall's publicity manager who sent her paparazzi pictures of the two of you sharing food and snuggled up in ways that were hard to excuse as just friends. Kris was wide-eyed at the collection of photographs but couldn't be completely shocked as she looked at the pictures.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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