christmas eve

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It was the first Christmas you were going to be spending with Kendall and away from your family. It honestly felt like a huge deal because everyone knew how hard the family went for Christmas and so you just hoped you would be able to keep up. Being from the UK, you were used to cold Christmases and even just being in California for Christmas with the hot weather felt wrong. But, you loved your girlfriend and you knew how much she wanted to have you here with her and you wanted to be with her too.

You had heard from Kendall about the Christmas drama regarding Kim not being able to have the Christmas eve party at her's and, as Kris put it, 'the battle of the Christmas morning'. Thankfully though, everyone had managed to come to an agreement on the Christmas agenda and was looking forward to it.

Christmas Eve had arrived and Kendall was busy in her glam room with her stylists, doing some last minute alterations with her dress ready for tonight. Thankfully, your outfit was all sorted and you wouldn't have to worry about it until later.

You had just gotten off a facetime call with your family - it being well into the evening back home - and you couldn't help but feel upset with you not being able to be there. As a few tears escaped your eyes, it was the exact moment Kendall walked back into the bedroom.

"That dress is so tight, I'm gonna have to hope I don't bloat or anything-" Kendall started, "Oh my god, Y/NN, what's wrong?"

You shook your head and wiped under your eyes, "Nothing, Ken." You said, going over to kiss her head and starting to turn to go into the bathroom, "Everything's okay, I'm just gonna go and shower."

Kendall took a hold of your wrist before you slipped away, "Baby, please talk to me."

"I just miss my family, that's all." You told her, refusing to make eye contact with her, knowing that she might feel guilty.

Kendall pouted and led you to sit back down on the bed as she sat next to you. She put an arm around you and kissed your shoulder.

"If you wanted to make it to them in time for Christmas, you know you can." Kendall mumbled.

You knew she didn't want that, but the fact she's even telling you this warms your heart.

"No, I want to spend Christmas with you." You told her honestly, "It's just different."

Kendall nodded her head, "I totally understand. If you want to leave at any time tonight or tomorrow night then just tell me though, yeah?" She said, "Even if you just wanna come back here. I honestly just want you to be happy."

You grinned and leaned in to kiss her gently, "I wanna be with you."

Kendall smiled into the kiss so much that you had to pull apart, as you rested your foreheads against each other, "You have no idea how much it means to me to have you here."


The Christmas Eve party was up and rolling and it was honestly the most beautiful party you had ever seen. The shots of Tequila Khloe had insisted you do with her were starting to take effect as you went to dance with her on the dance floor.

"Y/N fits right in." Kim said to Kendall as the two of them sat watching their family members going crazy on the dance floor, "You two are clearly very perfect for each other."

Kendall smiled at that, refusing to take her eyes off of you, "Doesn't she just. It's been three years now and I just keep falling in love with her more and more everyday."

Kim looked at her lovestruck sister and chuckled, "Bless you, Ken. Are you excited to spend Christmas together?"

Kendall nodded immediately, "Yeah, I'm super excited! She was kinda upset earlier about missing her family and it made me feel bad... I just hope she wants to be here as much as I want her to be, y'know?"

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