Chapter 24

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"You won!" I said running up to Cedric, after I had dried off in my dorm.

"Yeah, but I haven't won the last task yet," he said hugging me.

"Well, I know you will," I said smiling as we held each other hand in hand, walking around the castle.


A few weeks later, Cedric took me out on our first date, since we didn't have classes that day.

"Ced, where are we going?" I asked as he pulled my hand as we ran.

"You'll see," he said turning around to look at me.

After running for a while, we were in a grass field not to far from the castle. There was a picnic blanket set up with a picnic basket, and food.

"Oh my goodness Ced! This is beautiful!" I said as we sat down.

"Well, I wanted to make it special for our first date," he said.

"I packed some sandwiches that I stole from the Kitchen," Cedric said as he placed a sandwich on my plate.

"I also brought chocolate covered strawberries," he added.

"Cedric, this is amazing," I told him as we ate our food.

We talked about us and our future, and what we planned on doing for the rest of our lives.

"Would you ever consider having kids?" he asked.

"What?" I said surprised because we were only 15 and 17.

"I mean, obviously not now. But I mean, maybe in 15 years," he reasoned.

"Oh, well I mean I guess. I never really thought about it," I answered, "What about you?"

"Well, I love babies, but once they become older they can get annoying, but yeah, i would like my own. I would name it Diana if it were a girl, and William for a boy. Sage is a nice name too," he said.

"Wow Ced, you really have your life planned out," I said.

"I mean not really, It's just a child's name," he said as he took a chocolate covered strawberry.

We stayed out there for the whole day. We watched the sun set, we stargazed, and we also fell asleep.

I woke up and it was still pretty dark. I looked up at the sky and saw it was a full moon.

That reminded me of Remus. I knew he wasn't alright, and that he was probably in pain. And the worst part is, he probably had no one there to
help him.

"Emery? Are you alright?" Cedric said rubbing his eyes as he saw me worryingly look up at the moon.

"Yeah, I just got reminded of something," I answered as I couldn't tell him about Remus' 'situation'.

"Well, I guess we should go back, it's dark and we're already out past curfew," Cedric said packing up the basket and the blanket.

We snuck back to the castle and before parting our ways, we kissed. I gave him one last hug and went to the Slytherin corridors.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐃 𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐈𝐂𝐄 - DISCONTINUED -Where stories live. Discover now