Chapter 15

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We went inside the Weasleys home and it was nothing like I'd ever lived in. Not that that's a bad thing. I mean I'm used to a small home that is 'elegant'. But the burrow was different.

Sure it was smaller and a little messier, but it was cozy and warm. It just felt like happiness, if that makes sense.

"Alright, boys you stay in your usual rooms, Emery are you alright with sharing a room with Ginny?" Mrs. Weasley asked.

"Oh if that's alright with Ginny," I said looking at Ginny.

"Oh uh- yeah that's fine with me," she said.

"Alright dear. Ginny would you please show Emery to your room?"

I followed Ginny up the stairs and boy, were there a lot of steps.

"Well, this is my room," Ginny said awkwardly, "Mum will probably get out another bed for you later."

"Thanks," I said while putting my bags down.

We both headed back downstairs and I went to go find the twins.

"Hello boys," I said once I found them in the kitchen, "What shall we do today?"

"Hm? What would you like to do Ms. Black?"

"It's your home, you should know what to do," I said.


"FRED! GEORGE! SERIOUSLY?" I yelled. They had set off dungbombs outside and put a spell on me so a bunch of spiders were on me.

"That's what you get for saying we're the ugliest Weasleys ever!" George said.

"Oh you two better run," I said running towards them.

"Shit," Fred answered running into the house.

"Boys! Emery! Please don't run in here- My goodness Emery what happened to you!" Mrs. Weasley asked.

"Oh nothing, just Fred and George being Fred and George," I said trying to get the rest of the spiders off.

"Oh, dear. Well, you go clean up and I will talk to the twins. Alright?"

"Thanks," I said with a smile.

I walked up the stairs while I heard Mrs. Weasley lecturing the twins.

I cleaned up and went back downstairs.


I woke up and went down for breakfast. Ginny was already awake and not in the room, so I guess she went downstairs.

"Good morning dear," Mrs. Weasley said when she saw me walk into the kitchen.

"Good morning," I replied with a smile.

I sat down next to Ron and started eating. Suddenly, an owl came with a bunch of mail.

George stood up and grabbed the mail. 

"Two for mum, one for me, one for Ginny, two for Ron, one for Fred, and two for Emery," George said while handing everyone their letters.

I checked mine and they were from Remus and Cedric.

I put the letters to the side to open after breakfast.

"So, what are you kids going to do today?" Mrs. Weasley asked us.

"Not sure, I guess we'll see when we finish breakfast," George said.

Once we had all finished eating, I excused myself to my room, or Ginnys room, and decided to open the letters.

I opened up Remus' letter first and it read,

Dear Emery,

I hope things are going well at the Weasleys. I'm glad you found somewhere to stay. Again, I am truly sorry that I couldn't let you stay with me, but it's for your own safety. Anyways, if you get worried about me, I promise you, that I can take care of myself. Alright, well I miss you, and please be safe

- Remus

Of course he knows I'm worried. Well, hopefully he's the one that stays safe.

After I wrote back a small letter to Remus, I opened Cedric's, letter.


Hi. I know we barely talked this past year, but I mean i missed you. I don't know if you kept it, but I hope you liked my Christmas gift I gave you last Christmas. Anyway, I hope to see you soon! And I'm sorry I didn't talk to you much last year.

- Ced

Christmas gift? What gift? Oh no, did I not open it because I was mad at him? Now I feel bad. I guess I should go look for it.

I grabbed my bags and searched for a letter or a small box. I really don't know what Ced put the gift in.

"Emery?" I heard someone call.

I turned around to see Ginny at the door.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Oh sorry. I'm just trying to find something a friend gave. Sorry for the mess," I said. I sort of piled everything on her bed instead of mine.

"It's fine, but could you please just clean it up after?"

"Yeah, sorry."

She left the room and I was still looking. I decided to look in my school bag. Maybe it was in there.

And sure enough it was. I must've put it in there when I went to Malfoy Manor and never took it out.

There was a box small enough to fit in the palm of my hand. Attached to it was a small paper that read,

Merry Christmas Em!
Miss you

- Ced

I opened the box and inside was a small bracelet that had a badger on it. The colors were this pastel yellow and grey. I smiled and put it on. I decided to write back to Cedric thanking him. Even though the reply would be 6 months late.

Dear Ced,

Hi, yes! I did get the bracelet. Sorry I didn't get you anything back in Christmas. I guess I was still mad. Anyway, hopefully you're doing well. I'm staying with the Weasleys this summer and it's very fun. Even with the twins constantly pranking me. Hope you are doing well! And say hi to Mr. and Mrs. Diggory for me!


Once I finished writing I put it in an envelope and got my owl to send to Cedric.

I cleaned up the clothes and other things off of Ginny and my bed and put them back where they belonged.

I got up, and went back downstairs looking at the bracelet Cedric gave me.

Hopefully our friendship would get better again.

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