Chapter 10

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It was a full moon. Meaning Remus was transforming into the werewolf side of him.

"Remus, have you taken your potion tonight," Sirius said worried.

He was transforming. Then all of a sudden, Peter turned himself back into a rat.

Remus had fully transformed now and Sirius was trying to stop it.

"There you four are" Professor Snape called out to us.

Remus had pushed Sirius out of the way. Both in their 'animal' form. Snape stepped in front of us until I ran towards where Remus and Sirius were fighting. I could hear Harry follow me.

"Sirius!" I screamed not knowing if I should call him dad or not.

"You two get back here!" I heard Snape yell behind us.

We both didn't listen and we could see the werewolf attack the black dog.

"Dad," I whispered under my breath, so only I could hear.

Suddenly, we could hear something or someone howling. Remus started howling back and decided to follow the sound.

Once Remus was out of sight, we sat Ron down to try and heal his wound a bit.

We saw Sirius walk away and Harry ran after him.

"Ron, are you alright?" I asked, getting my attention back to the wound.

"Could be better," he said in pain.

"We should get back to the castle before the werewolf comes back," Hermione suggested.

"But what about Harry? He ran off after Sirius? Shouldn't we wait?" I tried to explain.

"Emery, we need to get Ron to the hospital wing, and I'm pretty sure Harry can handle himself," Hermione said.

"Alright," I replied.


We got back to the school grounds to get Ron to Madame Pomfrey. It had been at least an hour since Harry arrived. But it seemed he had passed out, so we lay him on one of the other hospital beds.

About a half an hour later, Harry woke up.

"Harry! Thank goodness your awake!" I exclaimed when I saw Harry opening his eyes.

"I saw him," Harry mumbled.

"Who?" Hermione asked.

"M-my dad," Harry stuttered, "He saved me and Sirius from the dementors."

"Harry that's impossible, your dads dea-" Hermione said until Harry interrupted.

"Dead, I know. But I saw him," Harry said.

Then, Dumbledore walked in. All of us (besides Ron) stood up.

"Professor! You've got the wrong man! It isn't Sirius," I exclaimed.

"Please Professor. They're gonna kill an innocent man," Harry said.

"Well, you may be able to fix something that has happened, save someone's life," Dumbledore said.

What did he mean by that? Then all of a sudden he walked out.

"Harry, Emery, come here" Hermione called out.

She put a necklace on both Harry me, and her.

"Sorry Ron, but since you can't walk you'll just have to stay here."

Hermione started spinning the necklace. And everything in the room was spinning. It took about 30 seconds and for some reason, Ron wasn't in bed and it was all of a sudden day time.

"7:30. Where were we at 7:30?" Hermione asked.

"I was walking around the school and you guys were at Hagrid's," I answered.

"Ok, come on. And we can't be seen," she replied.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐃 𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐈𝐂𝐄 - DISCONTINUED -Where stories live. Discover now