Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 **Confusion**

I stared down at the keyboard listening to the song for the fourth time. We finally finished our version. I put my verse in it too, which I said I wouldn't do. Beyonce asked if I would so she could see what it'd sound like, so of course, I gave in and spit my verse. I have to admit, this version is lit! I couldn't imagine another even coming close.

I lifted my head and met Beyonce's gaze. I hadn't noticed that she was staring.

"What?" I asked with a chuckle.

She shook her head, "Nothin."

"Then why you staring?"

She shook her head and took a sip of her raspberry lemonade I had Julius bring her.

"I was just trying to read you."

"Read me? I'm not a book."

"I know I mean like, try to figure you out. I've always been good at reading people. With you though, there is nothing. It's so confusing."

I laughed because of how serious she is right now. She's using hand motions and everything.

"If you want to know anything all you have to do is ask."

A smile crept up on her face and she leaned back crossing her legs. If this was anyone else I would probably regret saying that, but with her I'm an open book.

"Tell me about yourself."

I chuckled, "Alright. I was born and raised in the Marcy Project's. I am a Brooklyn native. My pops was never around, he ditched before I was born. My ma raised my two sisters and I alone. I started slangin before my balls dropped. The day reality slapped me in the face was the day my girl friend, God rest her soul, was murdered because of a fucked up drug deal one of my homie's did. Honest to God, I loved that woman. After she passed I decided to clean up my life. Now I am here."

She nodded her head taking in every word I said. It's been awhile since I've had someone be interested in me, Shawn, not JayZ.

"How long were you and your girl friend together?"

"We never actually labeled our relationship. We knew what was up, and every nigga knew to lay off. We had known each other since I was nine and she was seven though. We got tight around my thirteenth birthday. Her parents were shot up on the block so my Ma took her in."

She smiled, "Your mother seems like a wonderful woman."

"She's that and then some."

"Does your past ever haunt you. Like, do people try to bring that up during interviews and stuff? I don't ever remember reading anything about any of that in my buisness class."

"No. No one knows that besides a very selective group of people."

She nodded her head and smiled.

"So tell me about you."

She looked surprised. She had to know it was coming, it's only fair.

"My personal life, is personal for a reason."

"And so is mine, but I trust you. You should trust me."

She sucked her teeth then sighed.

"Okay. I was born and raised in Houston, Texas. My mother and father are still alive and happily married, as far as I know. After I quit Baylor we sort of stopped talking-"

"You quit Baylor?" I asked interrupting her, but damn if I'm surprised.

"I hated everything about it. I dreaded classes everyday. University just wasn't for me I guess. I didn't quit college. I just quit Baylor. I expected my parents to understand, but of course all they cared about was being able to brag about me being accepted to Baylor."

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