Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: **Independent Women**

 When I say shawty bad, she bad.

She had on some baggy jeans that show off her perfectly nice ass and those nice curves. Paired  with a white crop top, I think that's what its called but it shows off her nice scalped abbs with a jean jacket type thing. Some bad ass heels making her around my height but still shorter.

Her makeup was barley anything if anything which I love because I hate bitches that will go outside looking caked up looking like Naomi Campbell but go to sleep looking like Jocelyn Wildenstein. I seriously never knew how much makeup can really change someone's looks until I got into this business, but yeah. She has her hair in a naturally curly state which I think is beautiful.

"Take a picture it'll last longer Mr. Jigga man." Beyonce said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh shit! She done called you out!" Kanye yelled making the others laugh.

"I wouldn't be laughing too hard. I did see you staring awfully hard at my ass. I mean I know it's big and shit but damn." She said looking at Kanye.

"Oh so shawty thinks she funny." Kanye said mugging her

"If everyone is laughing then I would take that as a yes." She  said smirking at him.

Her attitude...damn. It's real cocky and she comes off as a bitch, but there is just something about it that I love!

"Are we going to sit and mess around all day boy's, or are we going to get to business?"

I chuckled then stood up, "Right over there."

She walked to where I pointed and sat on the stool.

"Where is your CD Ms, Thang?" Kanye asked.


My eyes widened but I didn't doubt her for a minute. That girl has a voice of an angel!

Not even a minute passed and she began to sing, 'At Last' by Etta James. Not missing a note and every word she sang sounded perfect. All of our jaws were on the floor. I have never, in the fifteen years I have been in the business, seen a woman besides Etta James herself be able to carry out this song so well.

She finished the last note and we all stood to our feet clapping for her.

Of course, being the woman she is, she sat there with a sarcastic smirk on her face.

"Admit it, you didn't think I could do it."

"I never doubted you."

"Damn, ion even know what to say." Ye said till a little starstruck.

"You win." Ty said.

I laughed walking closer to her.

"How old are you again?" I asked.

I already knew how old she was. I memorized that file. I just wanted to hear her thick, sexy southern accent.

"Just turned thirty-three last month. You?"

"I'll be forty-five in two."

She nodded her head and gave me a genuine smile. I think this is the first one I've got since she walked threw the door.

"And you are from Houston, Texas?"

"Born and raised." She said matter-of-factly.

"You're from here, in Brooklyn, correct?"

"You are correct." I said with a smile.

"Thought so."

I just stared at her, admiring her facial features. Taking in everything.

"Jay it's almost ten, I'm heading out." Ty said.

I nodded my head.

"I'm with him." Ye said.

They left leaving Beyonce and I alone.

"Does that mean I need to go too?" She asked.

"Not if you don't want to..."

She rubbed her neck and sighed, "As much as I'd love to stay and chat I need to go check into my hotel. I have a long drive back to Texas in the morning."

"Why are you leaving so soon?"

"Staying in New York isn't going to pay my bills back in Texas."

"What do you do?"

"I am an accountant."


She nodded her head and smiled.

"You seem very independent."

"I am and I pride myself on that. My mom taught me at a very young age to never depend on anyone, they'll always let you down."

"So what made you decide to audition?" I asked.

"I'm not depending on you Mr, Carter. I am simply taking a chance that could change my life for the better. Has nothing to do with anyone but myself."

"But I would be signing you onto my label." I said confused on what she meant by her statement.

"If I decided to sign with your label." She said with a smirk.

"What do you mean, 'if you decide', this is not really your decision?"

"It actually is Jay, do you mind if I call you that?"

I shook my head and waited for her to further explain.

"Yeah, I wasn't actually going to give you a choice. The audition was for your song. Not to be signed to your label. I could be signed to any label I choose, that is after my voice is heard. I thought about it for awhile and after sleeping on it I thought, what better opportunity than your song?"

I sat back. This woman continues to shock the hell out of me.

"You're very smart I give you that. You just don't know what the business is like. I'd be down to show you the way and help pave your way."

"I'll keep that in mind Jay. I need to go though it is getting late. I'll be looking forward to your call."

Before she left she gave me a wink and then disappeared threw the double doors.

Sorry for the late update guys!

Do you think Bey will sign to Jay's label?

What do you think of Beyonce?

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