Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: **Thinking bout ya**

It's been about a month since we did the live auditions and to be honest, it's been a long month. I miss Beyonce so much! I know I might sound like a little bitch but there is something about her that causes me to always think about her.

It could be her brown eyes or the way they turn grey in bright lighting, or it could be the way she smiles so bright and that twinkle she gets in her eyes when she talks about something she is passionate about. Her brain, oh my God, her brain. I need her on my team. I need her with me. She'd be a great asset to my business and to me. I need someone like her to keep me in line.

Here I go again.

All I do is think about her. I haven't even known her for longer than two months, and to be honest I don't even "know" her. I just know of her, but I feel like we connect. I feel like we are good for each other. And as much as I do find her attractive and would love to one day call her mine, I mean 'good for each other' as in we could look out for each other in this business. She definitely has the brains.

I picked up the box that was sat at the end of my desk with all of the girls' files. I already know without a doubt Beyonce will be one of the final two. I am almost positive she'll win the contest, if you can even call those women competition compared to her.

I looked threw all of the files one last time then gave Kanye a call.

"Wassup Hov?" Kanye asked answering right away.

"When do you think we could all meet up so we can pick the two finalist of this contest thing?"

"Damn Jay, I forgot all about that. I am sorry for real but I am out in Cali."

I rolled my eyes as if this nigga could actually see me.

"Aye listen just give yo girl my vote. We already know who is going to win."

I chuckled but agreed with him one-hundred-percent. Nobody even came close to her.


"That all?"


"Aight. I'll hit you up later."

I pressed the red end button then texted Daymon and Ty.

I want the two finalist to be Beyonce, of course, and Robyn. She's the only other one who held her own and acted like she had a brain.

Daymon and Ty both agreed with me. Beyonce and Robyn were the two finalist. I gave Ty the job of calling all the girls who didn't make it. He's a hell of lot nicer than me and better with his words. I have the job of calling Beyonce and Robyn.

I picked up her file and admired her picture one last time.

I dialed the number she left and it rang twice before I heard her southern accent.

"This is Bey."

"Oh we have nicknames now?" I asked in a joking manner.


Not gonna lie it made me smile wide hearing her call me Jay.

"This is him."

"What do you need?" She asked as her tone became more serious.

"Why the attitude Ma?"

"You called me I was just wondering why."

"Well you are one of the two finalist. I will be flying you and Robyn, your component, out here to New York so you can write a verse for my song and sing it for me."

"Just you?"

"I just told you, you could possibly be the winner of this contest and your more worried about the fact you'll be singing only in front of me?" I asked a little caught off guard by her question.

"Um-yeah. That is why I asked."

I shook my head.

"Be ready next Monday. You'll be staying here for a week."

"A week?" She asked.

"Yes, is that a problem."

I waited as she contemplated it out for a few minutes.

"Hmm...No. Not at all. See you then Jay!"

I smiled, "See you then Bey."

"Beyonce to you sir."

"So you can call me, 'Jay' but I can't call you, 'Bey', is that how this works?"

She giggled, "Goodbye Jay."

With that the line went dead. She is something else. I'm not even sure how to feel about this all. All I do know is that she has a beautiful voice, she's smart, astonishingly beautiful, and I'd love at least the chance to work with her and be friends.

I picked up Robyn's file and dialed the number that was printed on the paper in her file.

It rang a few times then I heard her thick bajan accent.


"Aye, this is Jay." I said looking over her folder as we spoke.


I laughed, "Yes, JayZ."

I heard her gasp then whisper something, I am assuming to someone around her.

"What's up?"

"I am calling to let you know you are one of the two finalist in my contest. I will be flying you and Beyonce, your component, here to New York Monday so you can write a verse for my song and sing it for me."

"For real?" She asked excited.

"Yes, for real."

"Is this 'Beyonce' good?" She asked.

"Very, she's great!"

I heard her sigh then she stayed silent.

"You have to be confident in yourself though. Confidence will take you a long way in this buisness."

"I'll keep that in mind." She said sarcastically.

"So be ready Monday around three o'clock."

"I will be."

"See you then."

The line went dead then I laid my cell phone on my desk.

Monday is going to be very eventful. I am excited for two reasons; one, this is the start to finishing my song and two, I get to see Beyonce again.

Part of me feels bad because I already have my eye set on Beyonce and in my mind she's already the winner so Robyn really stands no chance. But, then there is the other part of me that really doesn't give a fuck.

This chapter is really boring, sorry. lol. The next chapter's won't be though, promise!

Why do you think Beyonce is so serious and cocky around Jay?

Who do you think will win the contest (let's pretend like this is actually a contest for Bey)

Do you think there are any chances of Bey and Jay becoming more than friends?

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