Chapter 3. The Confession

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Mia woke up to the smell of bacon. She frowned in confusion and sat up slowly wondering if the after-effects of the wine messed up her sense of smell. Her head hurt, but it wasn't too bad. Memories of last night came back to her. That's right; Kale and Aidan had spent the night after she'd drunken herself into a stupor. Then she realized why she had started drinking in the first place. Those men were going to drive her crazy one day. She just knew it. She glanced at the clock and was surprised to see it was already 11:00am. She could hear the television blasting in the living room. Kale was watching his usual Sunday football.

There was a knock on her door. It opened before she could say anything. Aidan peeped in the room and smiled at her. Mia gasped and ran her fingers through her tangled hair. She did not want them to see her as soon as she got up. She must look a mess.

She threw the covers over her head, hiding from him. "Aidan! Could you at least wait until I say come in before you open the door?"

Aidan chuckled. "It's kind of hard to take you seriously, Mia, when you're fussing at me under the covers...again."

"What do you want?" She asked, as dignified as she could from under the sheets.

"Well, it's a little late, but breakfast is ready. We were trying to give you time to wake up. You should come join us."

"Okay, I will as soon as you leave."

"Okay, Mia."

The door closed. Mia sighed in relief and pulled the covers off her. She screamed when she saw Aidan standing in front of her bed looking at her curiously.

"Whoa," he said teasingly. "What happened to the head band?"

"Aidan! Get out, get out, get out!" Mia raged and started throwing pillows at him.

"Mia, you look beautiful, I was just teasing. I couldn't help myself. Ow...OW! You're not allowed to throw pillows at your boss!" Aidan ran out the room when he realized she wasn't about to stop. Women..."It's not like I haven't seen you before in the mornings!" he said from the hallway.

"That's because I was always showered and groomed and wearing makeup before you saw me. Now leave me alone. I'll be out in a few minutes." Mia walked over to the door and slammed it shut. She couldn't believe he saw her at her worse...again!

She had always tried to be so perfect around them, although she didn't know why. They were always surrounded by women who were a whole lot more "perfect" than she was. Still, she must have been doing something right. They always gave her appreciative looks and complimented her latest hair style or outfit. But last night was the first time she'd seen them physically attracted to her. She blushed at the image displaying in her head and quickly walked to the shower. No need to get herself going when she was about to join them for breakfast.

Mia came out the bedroom 20 minutes later wearing a sleeveless yellow summer dress and yellow sandals. Her hair was curled under and rested on her shoulders.

"Don't we look fetching this morning," Aidan said winking at her. "You look as pretty as a picture."

Mia smiled and glanced at Kale knowing he wouldn't compliment her like Aidan, but the look in his eyes, as he ran them down her body, gave her goose bumps. Who says you need words to flatter a person? Mia thought as she walked into kitchen to get away from his hot stare. She could not believe she had two sexy men in her apartment who cooked for her. Her job did have its perks at times.

Kale was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. Aidan had on khakis and a shirt. Different clothes than what they had on yesterday. She'd forgotten they kept extra clothes in their rooms. She rarely ever went into the rooms, except when she cleaned.

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