Chapter 17. Torn

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Aidan turned to Andrew who was struggling to breathe. "Do you always take advantage of unsuspecting women, especially ones that are hurt?"

"Aidan let him go!" Mia yelled. She'd never seen him so...violent.

Aidan released him and took a step back just as Andrew swung his fist at him. Aidan easily dodged it.

"Bastard, what's the meaning of attacking me like this? I could sue you!" Andrew yelled angrily. He took another swing at Aidan who caught his fist in mid-air and then grabbed his arm twisted it and flipped him on his back.

Mia couldn't believe what she saw. Aidan's movement was methodical, quick and sharp as if he'd known exactly what he was doing. It only took a second for him to lay Andrew on his back on the floor and step on his chest to hold him down. Who was this person?

"Sue?" Aidan asked. "I could sue you for sexual harassment. Mia has shown you countless of times that she's not interested in you and when she walks away, she doesn't spare you a second thought, if she did, I'd know about it, believe me. Mia belongs to me."

"In what way?" Andrew yelled in anger and shock as he glanced at Mia then back at Aidan.

"Every way possible, she's mine, Andrew, get over her or there will be consequences!" Aidan took his foot off Andrew's chest and watched him get up.

Andrew stared at Mia. All the fight seemed to have gone out of him. "Is it true, Mia?" he asked quietly.

"I'm sorry, Andrew," she told him.

Aidan's eyes narrowed. "No, you're not..." he said looking at Mia angrily.

"Someone has to be nice to him, he didn't know," Mia told him. She went to Andrew to help him.

Aidan stood in front of her. "Where do you think you're going? You're in enough trouble as it is."

"Mia, I'm sorry if my advances made you uncomfortable. I thought that if I tried hard enough, you'd end up liking me."

"And you thought if you kissed her, she'd suddenly feel some hidden chemistry between you two and magically fall in love," Aidan said knowing he was right from the surprise look on Andrew's face. "Too late, Andrew, leave and please do not come around Mia again."

Andrew nodded and walked away, completely defeated. He glanced at Kale who had just entered the room in time to see Mia slap Aidan hard across the face.

Aidan had turned to Mia to scold her for leaving the party with Andrew when she slapped him. For a moment, he couldn't figure out what had hit him. He stared at Mia with a confused expression and touched the cheek that stung so painfully. His fingers felt something wet. He pulled away and stared at the blood on them. Mia had left a bloody hand print on the side of his face.

He stared at her in complete and utter shock.

Mia had hit him? His Mia?

She stood there staring up at him as if she wanted to kill him. He'd never seen her look at him like that, not even when she was angry or upset. Her hands were clenched into a fist, blood dripped on the floor between her fingers.

"Do you enjoy playing like me like a game of chess? Do you like being so manipulative?"

"Mia, what are you talking about?" Aidan whispered.

"I know what you did! Lisa told me you probably did it on purpose to keep me all to yourself. She said it jokingly, but I've been around you long enough to know it was probably the truth. So, tell me Aidan, did you purposely have sex with me in the office because you knew it would cause problems and get me fired?"

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